My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Truth & Lie , Honesty & Betrayal

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all. -- Anonymous

Today morning while having my breakfast and browsing through the newspapers i came across this quote and was thinking on it.How appropriate this quote is Sin indeed has many tools but Lie is the handle.

There are many vices in this world but i think LIE is the worst of them all.When you combine lie with any of these it becomes the most lethal and deadly vice.When you cheat someone when you betray someone and on the top of it if you lie about them then the blow that it gives to someone is like killing blow.A person might handle if someone cheats but if combined with lie then there is no scope for someone to recover.

The opposite of this is Truth.We all are Humans and so by nature we all are flawed creature and everyone understands this.At times we do some wrong and thats why those vices are there.We might cheat or betray someone but if we can accept them and say truth about them then it might be justified(to some extent) or its effect might be lessened to some extent if the vice is combined with truthfullness.But this will be taken as idealism and humans are not idealism.

The worst thing in this world is Lie and when a person finds that he/she has been lied, trust me the feeling is the most excruciating one.It breaks one's trust not only in that person who spoke lie but in general on mankind.One does not realises how much the potential of a lie is to fundamentally change someone.Once a person looses trust then he or she ceases to be the same person as before.Such a person would never be normal in dealing with someone else and this skeptical nature might reflect in his work and relationships either professional or personal.The pain of being lied is the most enduring one and whatever happens or whatever justification is given the damage can never be undone.But there is one important take on this, one should not expect everyone to be honest or true but when someone expects honesty and truthfulness he or she should not be let down.If one is not able to be honest to someone when it is expected one should withdraw from the situation rather than using these deceitful means.

We all should remember " what goes around, comes around "


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