My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Interesting tag !

So, I have been tagged by the ‘SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS’ doctor. I have to mention seven interesting (?) facts about me. Let me see if I can come up with interesting facts.

1. I like reading Hollywood gossips, yeah, it is true. I read them mostly from TMZ.

2. This morning I checked my personal mail and the last mail that I had sent out was on 29th June!!!

3. I love cooking!

4. For some reason I feel that everyone is younger than me. One day, I thought that my mother is younger than me!

5. I can take leave from work to read books. Have done that for Grisham books

6. My desktop keeps getting crowded, so I copy them and keep them in a folder. My current desktop folder has 5 desktop folders inside it.

7. I totally don’t like playing computer games.

Now I have to tag people but these days not many come to my blog. So I tag the following few people

Expressions !
Dr.TGFI (she has done this I guess)

I will put in more names!



  • At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I tagged you, you are tagging me back? Like hullo..

    Nice to know you like to cook. :D

  • At 8:21 PM, Blogger Freeze said…

    Gee, thanks. But I am a very *boring* person. 7 things! man, that'll take ages!

    you thought your mother is younger than you?? funnY! and weird...

  • At 2:22 AM, Blogger Mowgli said…

    i am tempted to do 7 interesting facts about satya on my blog. what farcical list you have published.

  • At 2:22 AM, Blogger Mowgli said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger Mowgli said…

    lol u tagged the tagger back.

    EU - he cooks, he has mastered the complicated art of making mashed potato's ...

  • At 10:19 AM, Blogger Neihal said…


    I assure you all these are interesting.
    And Satya you tagged the tagger. Hahahahaha.

    and oh, point 6.... I am glad to know I am not the only one. :P

  • At 11:31 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    the younger thing is quite interesting .. is it not what most grls think ;)

  • At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Only you could have come up with stuff like "everyone is younger" :p.

  • At 3:36 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Yeah I tagged you back, like 'yeah'. Can't you come with 7 more interesting things about you !

    Freeze - You should give it a try. Let's see how many things you come up with. Hmm, yeah for some reason I do feel I am the oldest person !

    Mowgli - Is this list farcical ? I dare you to come with 7 interesting facts about you in 24 hours !!! Will you take the dare or you will chicken out ?

    Yeah I tagged the tagger back. This is called 'cyclical' tag. And yeah I gave the recipe to Mowgli for making mashed potato.

    Neihal - And so am I glad that I am not the only one on number 6. Thanks for vouching that they are intresting. One guy has called them farcical.

    Abhinav - Girls are different than men :)

    Twilight Fairy - Hehe, I am different than others, QED.

  • At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you don't like computer games??? it's fun :P

  • At 12:12 AM, Blogger Just Jane said…

    Interesting and quirky stuff there!!! The desktop one took the cake and bakery, gosh!

    @Neihal, et tu? :O

  • At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Man, you really call these facts interesting?? Hmm...having a hard time agreeing they are. Especially point 2 - extremely "interesting". Didn't get it at all *shrugs*. But, well, sparing you my sarcasm I'd say...what you miss here is a good sense of humour and a touch of piquancy... "I love cooking...", come on, why not coming up with another curious food-related fact - "a couple of glasses of champagne is enough for me to get wasted", for instance ;-)

    "I can take leave from work to read books" - and so what?? Would be funnier if you confessed "when, in childhood, my mother was reading me "Little Red Riding Hood", I couldn't get rid of the idea that there is pretty much of a sexual context in that story". Or something.

    I'm not claiming I'm very original myself or anything, but..."My desktop keeps getting crowded..."...booooring. IMHO.

    -- Jessie

  • At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, and almost forgotten - among the tedious personal facts, you actually mentioned one standing out - that "I feel that everyone is younger than me...". I'm surprised people didn't get it. I do understand it pretty well: it's all about how you feel inside. You're young, but you feel like you were 60...that's sad :-( Being an old man in your youth is...oh, you should do something about it. You definitely should.


  • At 12:40 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Heather - Yeah, if I had played the games regularly, it would have been fun. Now since I never played it, I can't get hooked onto them.

    Jane - Haha, see the comment below. They are not interesting at all.

  • At 12:48 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Jessie (Anonymous) - Wow ! I totally like you, have always been. You know it, don't you ?

    Are you so pissed off that first time you put a comment here and that too in this scorning tone ?

    No, I never ever said I am an interesting person and so there was a question mark, between the parenthesis. Ain't it ?

    Couple of glasses of champagne to get me wasted ? Oh my !! remember it was not champagne ? and I don't drink champagne much beyond the first celebratory toast ! you know me, don't you ?

    I am happy that you understand me pretty well ! I am so happy ! and yeah I might be feeling old, and you might be knowing the reason, as always !!


  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    whats going on here?

  • At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "you know me, don't you ?". Pardon me? Sorry to reassure you, but I know neither you nor your drinking habits. And I'm not pissed of at all, though it may sound like that. I'm just being myself and expressing my personal opinion. Or would you like to have only sickly sweet comments in your blog?? If something is boring it's boring, I can't help that and, as they say in Texas - "You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make 'em biscuits" ;-)

    Inquisition against dullness! :->


  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Mowgli - Nothing much is going on

    Jessie - Okay, whatever you say. If you say I am boring, then let it be. Not everyone be as interesting as your benchmark is. You want me to believe that I don't know you, or you don't know me, then I believe it. Whatever you say.

    Anyway, I appreciate your taking out time to put comment on my web-page.


  • At 5:11 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    Glad to know that you are also a Grisham Fan.Me too.Right now reading
    "The juror"
    I will do the tag soon.

  • At 1:51 AM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    Taking leave from work to read books??? And here I am, standing at the train station and reading a couple more pages of Harry Potter before I mount my bike and go to work... Your method strikes me as the more comfortable one! :D

  • At 1:53 AM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    And greenie has a stalker, greenie has a stalker. :D Ok, Jessie is just trying to catch your attention, hon, don't worry. :D

  • At 7:24 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Expression -Yeah I am a huge Grisham fan and wish he could write books fast enough.

    I am in Delhi so got late in replying to comments.

    Project Leader - I don't have the luxury to read books while I commute, so I do the other way. Convenient too !

    You happy to know that I have a stalker :) Should I call Pocky ?

  • At 11:58 PM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    Oh, no need to call Pocky for such minor stuff. Just get Jessie's address and I will beat her up for you. :D Just kidding, just kidding!! :D

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Project Leader - No, no harm should be done to Jessie. I totally like her, she is cool !

  • At 12:12 AM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    Booo, you're such a sucker for mean women. :D

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Project Leader - You know me :)


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