60th Year of Independence of India !
There were times, when these two days – 26th January and 15th August were special to me. As a kid, I used to be happy that we could put the country’s flag on our terrace. That was the time, when common citizens were allowed to put their nation’s flag only on these two days.
Yesterday, it was 60th year of India’s independence. Now any Indian can put up a flag any day of the year after Indian government lost the case against it in the judicial court. I still don’t understand the brouhaha of this day. The line between patriotism and jingoism is very thin and is easily blurred on these occasions. I don’t understand what is there in these celebrations for common citizen?
The whole pomp and glory is displayed on the streets for New Delhi. The important monuments and places, which hold significant amount of Indian history is declared out of bounds for common citizens, weeks in advance. The streets are closed for the political class to move freely creating huge inconveniences for the normal people. On the national day, the President of ‘Republic’ of India holds a party where only elite political class is invited. A common man can’t even think of going anywhere near without the fear of bullets pumped into him.
A nation which is celebrating its 60th year of freedom from colonial rule still has the hangover to have VIP system everywhere from train stations, airports, hospitals, parking, etc.
I believe the sign of maturing of any nation is less jingoism, less symbolism, empowerment and dignity of common citizens. We are not even close to such a condition. So this 60th year of Indian independence is just another day for me.