Hamas victory - What it means for Democracy ?
The shock waves, which came with the results of Palestinian election in ten years, were not limited to West Asia but transcended continents and countries. Most of the western nations and obviously Israel have expressed ‘serious’ concerns with Islamist Hamas group getting majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council.
The election which was held on 25th January saw 75% of voters casting the ballot. Out of the 132 seats, Hamas group won 76 seats thereby getting a majority in the council. The results precipitated the condition of west Asia with comments going back and forth between Hamas and political leadership of Israel.
There is also a view that Palestine was too immature for democracy as they elected a terrorist group. On careful analysis, I don’t seem to agree with this. When the turn out is 75%, which is much higher than the turnout in mature democracies like India, it shows strong resolve of people for choosing their own government. In this particular election, the mandate is not as much for Hamas as it is against the incumbent Fatah party. In the last ten years, Fatah group has been taken over by corrupt leaders and the legislative council failed to do anything worthwhile to improve the condition of common Palestinians. There was no other option but Hamas. If there is question over democracy then it is not due to Hamas but due to Fatah.
Most of the average Palestinians don’t agree to the extremist policies of Hamas. They are in favor of negotiation with Israel and ties with world community. No doubt the principle of Hamas has been extremism; it considers creation of Palestine as its religious duty and it also does not recognize Israel. Until the election results were declared even Hamas would not have dreamt of such land slide victory. At most it would have thought of emerging as some consequential group and to wield influence over the new government. . But a Hamas in government would be much different than Hamas till now. It is going to be subdued in its policy of extremism under the yoke of the immense responsibility running a country heavily dependant on foreign aid. Political feelers are already being sent out by Hamas leadership for negotiation over foreign aid. The exiled political head of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, in Damascus has talked of adopting a realistic approach over Palestinian authority and to work with Europe and US.
It is not the opportune time to come out with charged statements but of giving Hamas time to settle down and take cognizance of ground situation. Who knows the Palestine situation may be solved for good during the Hamas rule. It would then be the finest example of same democracy, which is being questioned now.
The shock waves, which came with the results of Palestinian election in ten years, were not limited to West Asia but transcended continents and countries. Most of the western nations and obviously Israel have expressed ‘serious’ concerns with Islamist Hamas group getting majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council.
The election which was held on 25th January saw 75% of voters casting the ballot. Out of the 132 seats, Hamas group won 76 seats thereby getting a majority in the council. The results precipitated the condition of west Asia with comments going back and forth between Hamas and political leadership of Israel.
There is also a view that Palestine was too immature for democracy as they elected a terrorist group. On careful analysis, I don’t seem to agree with this. When the turn out is 75%, which is much higher than the turnout in mature democracies like India, it shows strong resolve of people for choosing their own government. In this particular election, the mandate is not as much for Hamas as it is against the incumbent Fatah party. In the last ten years, Fatah group has been taken over by corrupt leaders and the legislative council failed to do anything worthwhile to improve the condition of common Palestinians. There was no other option but Hamas. If there is question over democracy then it is not due to Hamas but due to Fatah.
Most of the average Palestinians don’t agree to the extremist policies of Hamas. They are in favor of negotiation with Israel and ties with world community. No doubt the principle of Hamas has been extremism; it considers creation of Palestine as its religious duty and it also does not recognize Israel. Until the election results were declared even Hamas would not have dreamt of such land slide victory. At most it would have thought of emerging as some consequential group and to wield influence over the new government. . But a Hamas in government would be much different than Hamas till now. It is going to be subdued in its policy of extremism under the yoke of the immense responsibility running a country heavily dependant on foreign aid. Political feelers are already being sent out by Hamas leadership for negotiation over foreign aid. The exiled political head of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, in Damascus has talked of adopting a realistic approach over Palestinian authority and to work with Europe and US.
It is not the opportune time to come out with charged statements but of giving Hamas time to settle down and take cognizance of ground situation. Who knows the Palestine situation may be solved for good during the Hamas rule. It would then be the finest example of same democracy, which is being questioned now.
At 11:05 PM,
Nachiketa said…
Great article Satya. From the Indian perspective it would be interesting to see how this plays out. Especially considering the fact that India was close to Arafat and the Fateh party.
At 11:11 PM,
greensatya said…
Thanks Nachiketa. Yeah this election assumes much more significance for India due to victory of Fatah. I think at this point of time, it is difficult to predict the course of Hamas led government in Palestine.
At 6:37 AM,
Y said…
I am just wondering whats Bushy gonna do?
The thing is, he has been going hostile against one country after the other on the pretext that they are not democratic and the people are suffering at the hands of an 'evil' autocratic rule. Now we have seen two cases where the people have democratically elected so called extreme groups to power. Recently in Egypt and now in palestine. If you look at from Bush's angle it is even a more devastating scenario.
Coming to the hamas point. While I try to keep abreast with the latest, I think until I now the background cant involve myself in a discussion. But something's surely gonna give way. Hamas's one of the major principles is total destruction of Isreal. Not in terms of what Bush may imagine. But it says it doesn't recognise Isreal. Now I think, as u correctly mentioned the aid point, Hamas could be bent due to lack of aid to atleast adopt a more pmoderate posture. There is one thing I dont get. Why was Hamas voted so resoundingly to power when ppl in Palestine favour Farhat's way of negotiating with Isreal. So, was Isreal not the moot point in election.
At 6:59 AM,
Y said…
By the way thats the 4 th in line of some very cool posts. Keep them coming!
At 7:40 AM,
greensatya said…
Yep, you are right. West Asia and then Egypt (adjoining Africa, I might say :d) is becoming a quagmire for Bush. This explains the statements coming from White House these days.
You are very correct with the assessment of Hamas victory. I saw interviews of common Paletinians and none of them agreed to the extremist policies of Hamas. The victory of Hamas was not for agression against Israel but people were fed up of the corrupt regime of Fatah. This is the vote for change and much less of policies. But every change comes with policies, so we need to wait and watch.
Cool posts! lol, by the number of comments, I don't think people are liking them. :D
At 8:23 AM,
Koi Pahailee said…
Good post here.
sometimes, the terms brought up by the great power and the media are mind boggling...
'immature democrarcy'! that sucks! I mean who are they to decide which democracy is mature?
but by far the most genius phrase is 'WAR on TERROR'!
whatever that means!
At 10:10 AM,
greensatya said…
Koi Pahailee - Thanks, and you are so true.
'War on Terror',lol..yeah it is so genius :d
All these words are quite relative and have always been misused.
At 11:05 AM,
Akanksha said…
Hitler was also massively supported by his people .. extremists at the helm of a country never bode well for either the people of that country or the world!!
At 11:25 AM,
greensatya said…
Akanksha - your comment is from where I started this post. My two paisa on this (paisa and Rupees are Indian cents and Euros)
1. It is not support for Hamas, but opposition for corrupt Fatah. This has been proved if you see the interviews of common Palestinians.
2. In today's world no extremist organisation can see to rule a country, much less like Palestine whis is heavily dependant on foreign aid.
I am also saying that Hamas would carry on extremism is juvenile analysis. Let us wait and watch.
At 12:10 PM,
Y said…
He He,
Ok, to tell you the truth I was lost when u said that I was right in my assesment of the situtation. Then Akanksha's comment and your subsequent reply, cleared the air. Can see now, where you came from.
Unknowingly adopted the stance that extremists can't rule countries in today's world. But Probably, that the way it is.
At 12:46 PM,
greensatya said…
Sher that was cool !! :d
At 3:37 PM,
educatedunemployed said…
Thanks for dropping by.
At 3:57 PM,
Raj said…
Sorry, havent read it yet.
Will definitely read it tomo and comment on it too :)
At 10:33 PM,
greensatya said…
Educatedunemployed - :), I am greensatya.
Raj - cool ! no problem.
At 2:12 AM,
educatedunemployed said…
Yeah I figured Now occupied with prep for exam.Will catch up on your blog after.Till then happy blogging and may be you could make a good list of must watch movies that I can devour after my exam.So Finland haan..and now I know where you got to know of my other blog.
At 10:37 AM,
greensatya said…
Hehe, I knew you will figure that out. All the best for your exams doc, do well, may lives would be dependant on you :d
Yeah, I will make the list of must watch movies for you :)
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