My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Friday, January 20, 2006

Weirdo me

This tag comes from Heather. I have to list five weird things about myself. For your 'Kaypoh' Heather :-

1. I remember most of the days of my past years. Sometimes, when I try to recollect some event and forget it, I will become restless. I won’t be able to do anything but to sit and think. I will sequence many things until I fully recollect that event. Only then I get relieved.

2. I usually become very emotional between 2am to 3am. So I never write emails, letters, cards or even talk to anyone during that time.

3. I can’t throw away papers. I have the grade card of my kindergarten days and almost every other paper. I even have the grocery receipt of last year.

4. I can’t stop myself from speaking when I feel very strongly for something or when I feel the other person is doing something wrong. Consequently, in my life till now, I have numerous spats with my school teachers, professors, director of my institute and even government authorities. Most of those times I have to pay dearly for this. Funny thing is that after my spat all those persons rise to so high levels. That professor is at a high position now; the director is at a very senior level in the Federal government of India and so is mine ‘that’ boss.

5. I won’t like to burn in electric crematorium. I will have this written in my ‘will’ to be cremated in a wooden pyre (if it comes to that).

Now I tag all of you who read this to write five most weird things about you.


  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    let me add some more on ur behalf green ...

    // I become very emotional between 2am to 3am

    6. I am very very emotional rest of the time.

    7. I want to do underwater photography in Artic circle, to this end, i have bought a underwater camera also.

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger Freeze said…

    I cant throw out any papers either. coz it *may* be important later.

    u said: I don’t like to burn in electric crematorium

    How many times were u burnt already!? hehe..

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger Y said…

    //I become very emotional between 2am to 3am

    That was really cool. I will be awake at that time to see, if something happens to me.

    And come 'down' to Bangalore soon.
    I do plenty of wrong things, maybe I can utilise it to my benefit now.

  • At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thank god I'm not the weirdo, you're more weird than me. *LOL* just kidding.. But actually, I still have some receipts from last year too, i wonder why?!

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Mowgli - See that's not true. Since I am bloody cancerian so I have to be emotional but I am not the whole day !

    I am waiting for one day to do that underwater photography and put the pictures on my blog for you to see. hmm my day will come...

    Freeze - Yeah papers might be needed later though I am not particularly happy with the grades I recieved in my Nursery class.

    Unfortunately, I haven't got burnt in crematorium till now. But I don't like that idea.

    Sher- Good idea, take that test today. Yeah, I will come down to Bangalore, have a spat with you and who knows you will become CM of Punjab,lol..

    Heather- haha, let's count the number of receipt and that will decide who is more weird ...

    (Mowgli, Freeze and Sher, you ppl got to do the tag now or I will put the names of you all specifically.)

  • At 12:35 PM, Blogger Freeze said…

    oooh.. is that a threat!? I better do the tag before my name comes up... :D

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Raj said…

    I too get restless if i cant remember somebody's name or some random small thing. I even call up family and friends to ask them :)

    // I become very emotional between 2am to 3am.

    I am never awake at that time so can't say :)

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Freeze - Lol, yeah it is a threat !!! and you should not jump tags :d

    Raj - So this memory thing is not weird with me, so I am glad to be a little less weird.

    you should remain awake one day and try to see :p

  • At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1) I sing horrible songs that sound like a cross between bad Bollywood and a beagle howling.

    2) I have serious issues with food textures.

    3) I have extremely vivid dreams which I tend to control. Even though I'm sleeping - if I don't like the progression of the dream I start it all over again and change what happens.

    ---Side note ---

    I'm taking another class on the Mahabharata - this time we're studying the overall opinion of Pali Buddhism as expressed in the Mahabharata. :)


  • At 5:54 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Hey Pocky,

    That was one of weirdest thing I have ever heard "controlling your dreams " !!! you have good controlling capability.

    I forgot to ask, "how was your exam"?
    Pali Buddhism in Mahabharata !! this seems to be so complex. I don't know how you can manage this.

    BTW tell me some bollywood songs which you sing ? :p

  • At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I basically make-up my own songs, but they are all inspired by the movie Lagaan and the singer Daler Mehndi. :) :)

  • At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    *hides all the receipt under the couch* Ahem.. I have only 1 I think.. *waves* haha..

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Pocky - cool, so you like Daler Mehndi. I also liked his songs but he sort of disppeared from the scene. He had his share of scandals which every celebrity gets in. Lagaan had few cool songs as well :)

    Heather - Okay, you Win !! (winning means you are the weirdo, I am just weird). Hey, let's try this one, who has most receipts from 'Alko' ? I have none, so You win again :d

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger AquaM said…

    smart move eh! tag everyone who visits this blog:)

    like what you had to say about the after effects of your spats wit your profs! life is really weird!

    thx for dropping by my blog.

  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Hi Aquamarine
    Life is weird and we all in some sense are weird too. That spat thing I noticed only while writing the post. Strange but it is true (though I got many invitations for spat after the post :D)

    I was visiting your blog for the past many days but that was the first day when I commented,lol.

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger The Cat said…

    eh. five weird things about me would be:

    1. I tend to pick up a word and overuse it in my everyday conversations with people. so much so that people remember me every time they see that word come up anywhere. :p eg. i use 'sad' all the time nowadays.

    2. I sleep normally at 10 30-11 pm, and suddenly an idea hits me out of nowhere(a concept, a story, anything), and I madly rush around the house at 1 am to jot it down on paper.

    3. I like snakes. and lizards. and rats(the clean ones, ofcors.) and o yea, owls too.

    4. I start doing my scales(in singing.. the 'vaveevavee..' ones) ANYWHERE! whenever Im bored, watching tv, in the loo, while eating icecream, talking to a boring person. eh. :p

    5. Mood issues. I can be your best friend in the first hour and not care to comment in the second hour. Not bcos im a hypocrite or anything, just dont feel like it. :)
    so there..

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Aaki - you are not weird but interesting :)

    and you like Snakes and Lizards :o

    about the point no 5 - are you a cancerian ?

  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger The Cat said…

    nice to know someone doesnt find me weird. :)
    Im an aquarian. so all the mad traits may have come from that sign. :p

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Aaki - That mood thing is trademark of cancerians(though I don't believe in them)

    Your b'day is quite near ? When will that be ?

  • At 6:42 PM, Blogger The Cat said…

    My birthday would be 1st feb. WISH ME!!! :p

  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    you are a HOARDER!!! :))
    the comments section was really fun on this one. I feel so normal compared to all the weirdos in here. :)))) (no offence, anyone)

    that emotional between 2 and 3 am. takes the first prize in the weird competition. :)

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    No way TGFI. According to me I am the most normal one and you are one of 'the' weirdest if not only one :P

    People get most sleepy between 2 am and 3 am and may be that is the reason. So that is not weird

    But yeah getting up mid sleep and doing the dishes is definitely the 'sparkling' weierdness . hehe

    So you see I won't usurp your first prize :)


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