My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Does these happens to you ?

Have you ever noticed that there are few things which always create a scene with you in the centre, for no fault of yours?

One of my favourite in that segment is the ‘access gates’. They never seem to behave properly when I am about to cross them. I have had this happen enough to me on several occasions, at different places, to rule out the co-incidence explanation. Always when I will swipe my access card, ticket, or any tag it will never be accepted in the first attempt. Either the door will not open or light will turn red or worse, it will start howling. All of it will happen in the public place so as to create a scene. The latest to happen was couple of weeks back. I had gone to a nearby city to the Spa. After a nice relaxed couple of hours, I was coming out of the spa area to reach the counter to clear my bills. I saw the gates and knew that something interesting will happen. I showed the RFID tag and true to me, the light turned red and started beeping. Now there is no reason for that to happen when someone is coming out. In my frustration I could only say “God, why this always happens to me?” This whole incident totally amused the women at the counter who was seeing this scene. I could see her barely managing to conceal her laughter when I was paying my bills. I wanted to say that don’t be hard on yourself, laugh as much as you want. There are numerous incidents like this but I don’t want to remember them now.

The other such thing is ‘static electricity’. Yeah it happens a lot in Finland and they are not minor shock. They can be of high intensity and just when you least expect it. In winter I know that happens due to layers of clothing which we wear. But why in summer? This weekend, I was in the supermarket doing the regular grocery shopping. After finishing the job and carrying the heavy grocery bag, I reached the exit. No, this is not access kind of door but with sensor so that it opens by itself. The door was opening, the frames parting, I don’t know what happened to me and I touched the metallic centre lock. I got a huge static electricity shock. I jumped backward and squeaked rather loudly “Jesus Christ, damn you static electricity”. Just then I realized I was in a public place and I turned back. I saw a girl behind me. I didn’t even stop to see whether she was laughing but scurried from there. I have got lot of static electricity shocks, but first time I managed to get myself so embarrassed.

One more thing happens to me often. But I have excused it on seeing that others also face same predicament. This is slipping on the snow. I have slipped on almost all the streets in Hameenlinna. But most of the streets, most of the time are deserted so I always managed to escape without any scene. On one weekend last December, when I was in Stockholm, I saw one lady also slip on the snow. And the street was pretty crowded. No one laughed and a gentleman helped her getting up. So now I know that this happens to others as well. Hence I don’t mind slipping on the snow anymore.

If I know that the other two things, which I mentioned, also happens to others then I will be greatly relieved. So please do tell. Thanks in advance.


  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger Y said…

    I heard good things happen to good am wanting to ask as to, to what kind of people does strange things happen?

  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    lol! at the post and at the above comment.
    no, #1 and #2 never happened to me. so i don't think it's normal. you're being targeted..or something. have you considered reiki???

    hehehehe ;) but seriously, sorry, i cannot empathise. i can only see myself in the lady's shoes, suppressing my laugh.

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sher - Nice comment. I hand it to you. So I am strange or a weirdo now :( Are you sure none of these happened to you ? Comeon accept it, no harm will come to your reputation.:D

    TGFI - Damn, I thought you all will empathise and say that these happens to you all as well. Failed mission :( but atleast you have slipped on snow :d I surely do think I am targeted when it comes to access gates.

    Will Reiki help ? any referral ?

  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    oh! it never snows where i live, so i'm not qualified to comment on that. :p

    i think you need to practise black magic on the scanners, everytime before you scan your card.

  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    i can understand....static electricity is such a pain.....i have created lots of scenes here in office and one while getting down the office bus... i nearly jumped on biker.. ha ha

  • At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    TGFI - Yeah those scanners. Back in India it used to happen in my office as well. And I would wish, if only I had some card which would blast those scanners on showing it. Any research going on for such cards ? Any Phds working on it ? :P

    Abhinav - atleast static electricity happens to you all as well.

    Mowgli - yeah laugh as much as you can. But I think I can remember few things about you as well, Mr Jungle Boy :P

  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger killer is i said…

    Well, static electricity shock is really prob for me, i never touch water cooler in my colls canteen coz of that and always ask someone to open that tap and everyone laughs and says, there is no current in this. It also happens when i touch some metal thing. Depends, kabhi lagta hai kabhi nahi ...
    For first one, neva happened wid me, probability in ind of those kinda things is less ;)
    U slip on streets .. hahaha

  • At 2:02 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    LOL..what about always finding the noisiest trolley at the airport...
    Nah never attracted that much attention, but when things go wrong they all do at the same time.

  • At 7:42 AM, Blogger Freeze said…

    1. No RFID tags in India (as far as I know anyway). and no the access gate thing never happened to me.

    2. static electricty? that too never happened to me.

    3. snow!! haha, where will i find snow in bangalore!!

    But then, there are some things that happen, but i would not really be telling that here, right? why wud i want to create a scene here ;)

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Killer - I guess slipping on snowy streets is not that surprising.

    Anyway I guess access gates are more in India than here and I used to have the issue there as well

    EU - haha, that's something new. Finding the noisiest trolley :D may be you can do a post on it

    Freeze - Well it is not about RFID tag, anything that acts as sensor will do. I have my fame minutes just about everwhere. Right from Kolkata metro to office doors.

    Static didn't ever happen to you? strange!

    Yeah snow is not there and hence you don't slip or else you would :D

    I wish you write those other things in your blog. Will be fun to read

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    ohh yes it happens to me all the time...worst is when it happens in meeting

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Freeze said…

    static. nope. never happened. neevveeeerrrrrr happened. though i have gotten electric shocks. 220 volts. funny i'm still alive.

    i could write those things in my blog. would be fun for you, maybe not for me :P

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    Well, access cards have never posed a problem for me. But ya, I have experienced static electricity quite a few times. The cubicles of my old office were a hotbed for it. Everyone used to experience it atleast once a day. It was funny :)

    I have never seen snow :(

    But such incidents are always embarasing if u r in a public place. All u can do is act all amused n surprised n walk away. ;)

  • At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always get *static* shock from the car door.. it is so annoying so i totally understand how you feel. lol..

  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger Akanksha said…

    hey i get static electricity shocks smtimes :)
    but they r just really no as bad as urs

    and i keep slippin and fallin WITHOUT snow so.. he he :)

    but the good thing is that i dnt get embarassed easily .. so i wouldnt hav been feelin weird in any of the above situations he he :D

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Abhinav - yeah that damn static electricity

    Freeze - Hey you seems to be always grounded. So you don't get shocks :D

    and I am waiting for that post on your blog. Take it like a tag and do it.

    Raj - Yeah static seems to be an universal nuisance. I am bit relieved now. Yeah these incidents are embarrassing.

    Heather - hehe, static electricity, you too :D such a common phenomenon

    Akanksha - So static electricity is proved beyond doubt.
    Best is that you slip and fall even without slow. :)

  • At 3:29 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    This problem of static electricity is very common.The place where I live ,I have to suffer a lot because of this.Mostly when I have to open my car's door.So I always keep some paper towel to wrap my hand and then close or open the door.
    So dont be embarraced,it happens.

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    ha. looks like my plan bombed. so many sympathisers! :)

    but, no one to whom ALL of these things you see...s.e.j's theory still holds ..

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    I feel bad to be so late in replying to comments and not getting to add any post. I am swamped with work(not necessarily office work) and no I don't get busy. I always find time for things I want to do. I will be free by Sunday afternoon.

    Sharda - Welcome to my blog. Yeah it is proved beyond doubt that Static electricity is a general nuisance. Good that you adapted to it.

    TGFI - haha, not only it bombed it bombed royally. There are so many ppl with similar tales. Okay not all are matching so may be I am bit less strange.

    I am sure you too have many similar episodes due to one thing or other. Just that I was honest and we shall see !

    Papiha - It is indeed strange. The phone company which can't give proper phone service is providing internet and that too they have call center !! what can be more surprising than this. And somehow I find it kiddish to play online games. So there !

  • At 6:42 AM, Blogger Freeze said…

    why are you targetting me!! why tag only for me?!

  • At 11:54 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    when i am carrying lots a handcarry bag, a purse and a heavy laptop backpack, i get stuck in the underground gate passes in London...quite often
    and then the securtity guard comes to help me out...

    so there

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Freeze/Melt - Well you said that you have some interesting episodes. So I thought why not let us all get it to read. Now the questions are answered, please get back to doing that post. :D

    Koi - Hey, nice to see you here. Hehe, so the security guys bail you out, this is so interesting :)


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