My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Songs of Darkness

When it is 1 am and it is dark, you can’t say if this is due to clouds or summer is ending. You would want to believe in the clouds, but it's the summer that is ending. And also it is time when you turn to music.

Brian Mcknight is one of my favourite singers. He is one of the greatest, and I am happy if there are people out there who does not know him. He does not have a career like that of Justin Timberlake. But if you know Nat King Cole, you would know Brian Mcknight. The most amazing part is his vocals; when he holds up the note, it sounds so smooth, so natural, mellifluous and all of these with such humility. I can’t listen enough to his “One Last Cry”. The youtube video is not available in Finland, but I could find one copy of on this
link. One other song of his with amazing vocals is “Still in Love”, but I feel the lyrics could have been less cheesy. Listen to this song here.

The other singer to listen now in the same theme would be Chris Isaak and his iconic “ Wicked Game”. The video got so famous even when the song is exactly opposite to what it seems on video. Can’t be anything different when you have Helena Christensen in there. The video is

And lastly “Smile” from Nat King Cole. The song

The cloud position at this time, not a speck over any place in Finland.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Chrome OS update on twitter

The title of this post might seem a weird combination but that’s how you can sum up the last two weeks on technology world. The technology world, that average people like me gets involved for their daily activities.

First it was the launch of Google’s operating system, Chrome OS, another out of the world, free product from Google. Even before people like me could understand what Chrome OS is, almost entire media termed as the real threat to Microsoft Windows. It would not be difficult to even get the data from stock market to see how it affected the stock prices of Google and Microsoft. On a random basis, after every 10 articles boldly promulgating the end of Microsoft dominance; one could see an article saying “not so fast” on this analysis. The new OS was heralded as the latest revolution where a whole OS could be based on browser utilizing cloud services for all the desktop apps, e.g. Word processor and spread sheets. Google had indeed dropped “mother of bombs on Microsoft”

A week later after getting world’s update on Twitter, there was an update about Twitter itself. So the world had update on Twitter’s business model, how it wishes to reach the target of 1 billion users and other assorted strategies. It happened cause someone from Europe hacked into the email account of one of the Twitter employee and got access to all the documents that were kept on the same cloud environment courtesy Google. The anatomy of this operation is minutely detailed on web. One password was all that was required to get into this revolutionary concept, the same concept that is going to be part of Google’s Chrome OS. So much for being threat to Microsoft. It took just one week !

I don’t know which corporate would trust its documents by way of word processor, or spread sheets to be kept on Google’s servers. Extrapolate this to every other document and you get an OS based on Cloud Computing.
Microsoft is not only about technology, it is much more than just a tech giant.

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Volvo Ocean Race

The weather this midsummer in Helsinki wasn't inspiring enough to spend the long weekend in Finland, so I decided to spend the long weekend in Stockholm. Luckily it was also the time for Volvo Ocean race's Stockholm port stopover. This meant that for the first time I could see the yachts from this famous sporting event.

This year the race started from Alicante, Spain eneded on June 27th at St Petersburg, Russia.

Ericsson 4, which was leading the race till the Stockholm leg won the race eventually. The skipper of this boat was Brazilian Torben Grael.

It sure is an unparalled feat to cross the world oceans in nothing but a yacht and one can just imagine the endurance of all those who participated in the race..


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