Perl, Samuelson & APICS
I decided that i would continue studying beside my job and it would bring some excitement in my life.So far so good i have to study but study what ??? i have three answers for this million dollar question.
I have seen computer geeks and i always wanted to be like one of them.Computer has always fascinated me since the days when in class 7th and i used to write programs in BASIC to calculate simple interest, the operating system was DOS4.5.So i decided i would learn some real computer stuff like Perl programming and would also learn HTML and some Internet technologies.
But then my other interest also staked its claim, i wanted to study Economics in school but we had to choose one paper either Computer Science or Economics so i took computer science though i had equal interest in Economics .In my MBA i took few papers of Finance and studied economics also but there was this book Economics by Samuelson which i always wanted to study.Many a times i borrowed this book from Library but never could start it.So i thought that i should study this book in my free time and may be work more on my specialization paper "Derivates & Risk Management"
Well the dilema was not to end so the professional in me also staked its claim putting the logic that since i would be squeezing the time out of my professional life to study then why shouldn't i study something which is relevant to my professional life.So i thought may be i should get membership of APICS the supply chain management certifying organization.Anyway i forefeited my 70 dollars last year which my firm pays me for getting professional membership and this year also the deadline is March 31st so i thought i should take the membership of APICS and write those certifying exams and it would help in adding value to my Resume and might be good for my appraisal also :-p)
The outcome of this was i took a big leap and landed exactly the same place from where i started (reminds me of the JUNGLE BOOK by Rudyard Kipling where Father Wolf on being ticked by Mother Wolf that something is coming uphill leapt and then when he saw it was a man's cub he checked in mid spring as a result he leapt to four or five feet in air and landed at the same place where he left ground whereas the man's cub.. yes MOGWLI was laughing at him)
So my dilemma is still there let's see whether i am able to resolve it by this week or not ????