My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Questions for which I have no answer

Since I have nothing better to do and not getting sleep either, I will write this. So I face this question often, particularly when I travel to Helsinki for office parties. Everytime I go to Helsinki, I find new faces and few old people having gone back to India. Since I work alone in a different (and much smaller) city, I usually have to introduce myself. The first question typically would be, “Who else is there with you?” I would say, "No one else, I am alone". Next question, “Any Indian in the city”; I say ‘No’. Then questions will come as any Indian restaurant, Indian grocery store, yadda, yadda. All these questions, I reply as “No” with straight face and will get a mixture of shock, pity, surprise, etc from the questioner. I really don’t understand this!! What and where is anything wrong? I know they don’t mean any offence just sympathy may be.

Can’t one live alone in a totally alien place? Why do people always have to eat the same food as they are eating in their own country?(Even now, I mostly eat more or less Indian kind of food.) I don’t know how long I am going to be in Finland, may be couple more months, but this would remain as the unforgetful part of my life. Finland happened to me just when I just wanted to get away from India, from everything and everyone I knew. In two years, I have changed so much that I never think about it or I would be overwhelmed. Sure, one day I have to go back to India and I would find it difficult for some time. Last year when I went to my parent’s place, my own home was feeling crowded to me and I could not sleep for two days due to noise of everything around me. This could happen to me again, but I would take only that much to adjust. All these things are transitory, I would get used to life of India again.

The greatest benefit has been the permanent changes in me. I have spent days without speaking a single word and this has made me fiercely independent. I have not had many things in life, which I had taken for granted and this has made me not to miss anything. I had come to Finland initially for 6 months and it is now going to be 2 years and these two years has made me totally different person. I remember last year, I wanted to go Italy, so I took my backpack and boarded the flight. Many people then had asked me, how I could go on such a trip alone. I have no answers other than I never thought people don’t go alone on trips. Yeah, not everyone would understand this and it does not bother me wee bit.

May be I will delete this post when I realize what all I have written.


  • At 4:35 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    err. sorry, i read it before you could delete.

    is this you during your emotional 2 am spurs? :-)

    well, people have no other work, except to be nosy and ask questions. (See the line above) they only deserve to be ignored.

    we do change a lot, sometimes we don't even realise that ourselves, and the worst is when someone expects you to be the same person you were ten years back, or remarks "you've changed". hell yeah, i have. what were you expecting?

    total tangent that was.


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