Just Me
I have not written anything for a week now. Not that I am busy, but I am either blank or overwhelmed with ideas. I have been trying to write a post everyday but half way through it would seem that I don’t have much to write, too much to write or I need to do further research on the subject matter. Some times things which come across my mind do not seem suitable for blog, either they are too trivial and or too personal to write.
I am myself not sure of my thoughts, just for example when I read Orwell or Hemingway I agree with Socialism and when I recall Adam Smith’s “ Wealth of Nation” or Ayn Rand I agree with Capitalism. My heart goes for Socialism while brain approves Capitalism. I have decided to do further research on this topic, assess myself properly and then may be I will have clarity about me. The only thing I am sure of this point is that I am for equal opportunity for all. I still have half of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” to finish, in between I have completed two books of Grisham. Grisham’s book are such that it can’t be left midway and once I start it I can’t do anything else till I complete it, whereas Hemingway’s book requires thinking and may be some history check as well.
In between I saw Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” and the resulting shock rendered me unable to think anything for one full day. I won’t say much about the movie as I am sure everyone has seen that movie.
Though I have been not updating my blog but for the last two days I can see large increase in hits of my page, I would like to say “Hi” to the person and would appreciate to hear something. You know who you are and hope to hear from you.
I have not written anything for a week now. Not that I am busy, but I am either blank or overwhelmed with ideas. I have been trying to write a post everyday but half way through it would seem that I don’t have much to write, too much to write or I need to do further research on the subject matter. Some times things which come across my mind do not seem suitable for blog, either they are too trivial and or too personal to write.
I am myself not sure of my thoughts, just for example when I read Orwell or Hemingway I agree with Socialism and when I recall Adam Smith’s “ Wealth of Nation” or Ayn Rand I agree with Capitalism. My heart goes for Socialism while brain approves Capitalism. I have decided to do further research on this topic, assess myself properly and then may be I will have clarity about me. The only thing I am sure of this point is that I am for equal opportunity for all. I still have half of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” to finish, in between I have completed two books of Grisham. Grisham’s book are such that it can’t be left midway and once I start it I can’t do anything else till I complete it, whereas Hemingway’s book requires thinking and may be some history check as well.
In between I saw Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” and the resulting shock rendered me unable to think anything for one full day. I won’t say much about the movie as I am sure everyone has seen that movie.
Though I have been not updating my blog but for the last two days I can see large increase in hits of my page, I would like to say “Hi” to the person and would appreciate to hear something. You know who you are and hope to hear from you.
At 11:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Satya. I think it's me who has increased your traffic, I am soyyo at Finland forum. I enjoyed your blog, reading many posts all the way back to the beginning. (I have had spare time on my hands, lol but nonetheless I've enjoyed your blog)
Keep us posted about the capitalism vs socialism thing, I have been going through it for years. ;)
Also, for darkening your room for sleep - tape tinfoil over the window, it blocks all the light and won't damage anything, since you're renting. Otherwise cardboard will do the same, no need to paint it black.
OK, I'll be a regular here from now on!
At 12:20 AM,
greensatya said…
Hi there 'Soyyo', ha ha so it was you. Welcome and thanks for visiting my page. I went to your Myspace as well, nice page.
Summer seems to be so far *sighs*, but if I am here for next summer I will tape it, good suggestion, ty.
I will write about capitalism and socialism once I am able to clear my head :)
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