My article in newspaper of India
Today Indian Express carried my article. Though I can’t get the newspaper here, but I saw my article in ‘e-paper’ format. The article is also available in the online edition of the newspaper at this link. The article is about the recent changes in Indian taxation, one aspect of which I totally feel should not have been introduced and I contest it. The article in hard copy of newspaper also carries a picture of our Finance Minister with my suggestion written in bold letters for doing away this aspect of the new tax. I wish he accepts it.
These days in India when most of the national dailies are trying very hard to transform themselves in a tabloid, Indian Express remains the most respected newspaper for me. It has the best collection of columnists, experts and incidentally it was the first newspaper which I read when I started to read them.
Today Indian Express carried my article. Though I can’t get the newspaper here, but I saw my article in ‘e-paper’ format. The article is also available in the online edition of the newspaper at this link. The article is about the recent changes in Indian taxation, one aspect of which I totally feel should not have been introduced and I contest it. The article in hard copy of newspaper also carries a picture of our Finance Minister with my suggestion written in bold letters for doing away this aspect of the new tax. I wish he accepts it.
These days in India when most of the national dailies are trying very hard to transform themselves in a tabloid, Indian Express remains the most respected newspaper for me. It has the best collection of columnists, experts and incidentally it was the first newspaper which I read when I started to read them.
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Satya, this paragraph - " In some developed countries like Finland (adjudged the most competitive economy by the World Economic Forum), where tax rates are as high as 40 per cent, no one is unhappy about it. " - is not very true. lol :)
At 2:29 AM,
Mona said…
wow that's really good, brilliant achievement :)
At 8:51 AM,
Y said…
/It has the best collection of columnists, experts/
Thats some self praise ;>
Anyway, read your article. Its very good.
At 11:08 AM,
greensatya said…
-> Heather - Yeah that is true, when you see your paycheck and the deduction is around 40% you don't feel happy, but at that time you don't factor in the benefits. Just think of the benefits a Finnish citizen gets, free education, free healthcare, social security, unemployement benefit,maternity benefits, day care....and then it would seem to be good. If all this was not free then one would have to pay for these services and it would have definitely been more than 40% . But I agree, paying taxes are never good :)
-> Mona - Thanks, and welcome back after the long back :)
-> Yogi - Thanks, but you see I am not a columnist at Indian Express (though would love to be one), so it was not self praise,lol,:p
At 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I meant, they know the benefits but some are still not very happy about paying taxes I think. :)
At 12:05 AM,
greensatya said…
-> Heather,I think if they are getting the benefits, then they should not feel unhappy for it.
At 3:10 PM,
Freeze said…
wow, i dint know u were famous! that's cool. u must b proud
At 12:54 PM,
Sara said…
hi satya...excellent man...congrats...:)
At 2:58 PM,
greensatya said…
Freeze - Hey I am not famous, this was just one time.
Sara -Thanks man :)
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