I don't know
It is so funny how some Castle can come crumbling down. The same castle, which you built one day, to bury yourself in its confines. You never think of it. It requires only a small trigger, a small flashback and all your protection lies in tatters. You are left helpless in the stark reality. How much you try, there is nothing that could be done.
You never want to think of those questions. Still they keep coming to you. Answers are none. You want to be ostrich and bury your head in sand so that nothing finds you. But all goes futile. It never goes away nor do you get the answers. You keep running from it and you reach the same place again and again.
Something went past you long back. It doesn’t matter how hard you tried, it left you. You bury it so that you don’t need to think how it could happen? But it comes back to you and then you can’t believe it has already happened. You thought nothing can make you helpless (again); alas! it was just an illusion.
You are so confident of yourself that summer has gone and winter is here. Frigid, cold, dark winter and you love it. But the ice can melts one day and you are exposed. You thought this year is going to be different, this year the winter will be harsh, the ice on the lake more thick. But nothing has changed. A small prick and the whole layer cave in.
You look at God and think who is immortal?
It is so funny how some Castle can come crumbling down. The same castle, which you built one day, to bury yourself in its confines. You never think of it. It requires only a small trigger, a small flashback and all your protection lies in tatters. You are left helpless in the stark reality. How much you try, there is nothing that could be done.
You never want to think of those questions. Still they keep coming to you. Answers are none. You want to be ostrich and bury your head in sand so that nothing finds you. But all goes futile. It never goes away nor do you get the answers. You keep running from it and you reach the same place again and again.
Something went past you long back. It doesn’t matter how hard you tried, it left you. You bury it so that you don’t need to think how it could happen? But it comes back to you and then you can’t believe it has already happened. You thought nothing can make you helpless (again); alas! it was just an illusion.
You are so confident of yourself that summer has gone and winter is here. Frigid, cold, dark winter and you love it. But the ice can melts one day and you are exposed. You thought this year is going to be different, this year the winter will be harsh, the ice on the lake more thick. But nothing has changed. A small prick and the whole layer cave in.
You look at God and think who is immortal?
At 6:14 AM,
Y said…
you seem to be in pensive mood. To tell you the truth I have a tuff time understanding posts like these. Because I dont know the start and the end. Educated Unemployed is a hero in writing such posts. But this was as enigmatic as they come. I can attach numerous conclusions to it, but donot know why you wrote it.
At 7:02 AM,
Akanksha said…
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At 7:04 AM,
Akanksha said…
sounds like girl trouble to me..
like u thought that u would never fall fr sm girl hopelessly after the first one broke ur heart .. but again u find urself falling fr smbdy..
u tried to make ur heart really cold but it just melt when u saw this girl!
am i right?
At 7:45 AM,
Koi Pahailee said…
I have learnt that ....
Nothing in this world lasts forever.
Never get comfortable.
At 7:46 AM,
greensatya said…
Sher - I just wanted to write something different, though I am not good at it. There is no context of it. Just some higgledy-piggledy outta my mind.
Akanksha - Lol, girl trouble..good guess considering girls are source of most trouble. But not correct here...I am 28, way past the age where you fall for someone or allow someone to break your heart (I am straight though :P)..It was just one of my ramblings which I had not done for so long....
At 8:50 AM,
Y said…
lol, girl trouble was a good way of looking at it. Sad, that you didnt matched it.
At 10:51 AM,
greensatya said…
Koi Phailee - Wow, it seems we both posted the comment at the same time..see the time stamp..
What you said is so true!! we all have to let go...
My only grouse is that why can't we learn it from books as with other things. Why we needs to face it to know it :(
At 10:52 AM,
greensatya said…
Sher - Why buddy ? You want me to be in trouble ? lol
At 3:48 PM,
Freeze said…
//A small prick and the whole layer caves in.
i liked that line, so true!
its funny when u think that u r past something, but later u realise that u r still in the middle of it.
At 3:49 PM,
Freeze said…
yeah, i know that makes no sense.
At 4:05 PM,
Raj said…
Nice post!!
Its really not easy to get over your past.
At 4:07 PM,
XVSA013 said…
very well written ... what the hell have you written about?
At 4:13 PM,
greensatya said…
[Freeze] And the award goes to Freze, closest to the post. It is some abstract rambling
Raj - Cool, you seem to be keeping busy, no new posts coming in your blog !
Mowgli- Trying to smart eh ? I will kill you !! remember it's a Jungle out there.
At 7:09 PM,
Freeze said…
gee, thanks. i wud like to dedicate my award to... ummm...
At 7:25 PM,
greensatya said…
Freeze you dedicate your award to all the water that has frozen and all that will 'freeze' in future...
At 5:07 AM,
Freeze said…
hehe.. ok!! lucky frozen water!
At 8:53 AM,
Raj said…
Ya, i was busy. Vut i finally found some time for blogging :)
At 10:42 AM,
greensatya said…
Yup freeze, the lucky frozen water, which gave you the name.
Raj- I saw your new post :)
At 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
It kind of reminded me that.. whatever we do, or whatever we say.. it will always be around and never erase and if we do or say something wrong.. even though no one remembers it, it will always come back to haunt us one day.. So I think more carefully about everything before doing nowadays. But its hard, people make mistakes sometimes.. right?
At 4:30 PM,
greensatya said…
Heather- Glad to see you :)
Well I was referring to past memories, something which we want to forget but can't.
About mistakes what you say is true. But how many people think of it while doing something which is not good. They don't see to blink their eye while hurting some one. If only everyone thinks beforehand...
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Greenie,
If you only allow yourself to see your life from one perspective you could cause yourself unnecessary suffering.
At 9:07 PM,
greensatya said…
Hey Pocky,
I was wondering where you were all these days ?
No I won't and am not restricting myself to one perspective. But one day when chips are down and something can trigger the flashback.
I am good now.
Thanks for dropping by.
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