Trip down the Internet memory lane
Today I had the trip down my internet surfing days. The day perhaps 6 years back when I opened my first email id, the days of slow dialup connections, high surfing rates in cyber cafes eating up most of my pocket money and the days of Yahoo! Those days it was total monopoly of Yahoo, from email to Instant messenger. It was so funny even to hear Yahoo, it reminded of a song in one old Hindi movie. Now days, I guess, people are using more of Google- for mails, Instant messenger, blogs, frappr, maps etc. I think Google has one of those networking database as well which I hate and never registered myself in any of them.
I remember funny things about Yahoo; they are not as old but not that recent as well.
Once I got totally hooked up with yahoo games- the ‘Literati’. I would wait whole day at work so that I could go home in evening and start playing. If you have played literati, which I am sure most of you, then you would know, it is really hard to win the games in your initial days, even if your English vocabulary is good. When you login to literati, I discovered that Yahoo puts a small square of different colors besides your name. For first few days you would be provisional, and then you would begin with black square. Depending on how many games you win you will progress to yellow, blue, green and red (I don’t remember them exactly). I had lost many games and won only one, which cause the other player abandoned the game. I decided to somehow improve my statistics and change the color of square from black. I decided that I will play only with newbie’s like me. I would go and see which all black players are waiting at the table and I would join them. This way I managed to win few games. I was happy.
Once as usual I pounced on one provisional user name. I like a seasoned player greeted with ‘gl’ (games lingo). The other player got the first chance and started with a bingo!(35 bonus points) I thought may be it was fluke but it was the worst game I had. Ten minutes later I had the most humiliating defeat and I was shocked. After the game, the other player said ‘gg’ (good game). I could not place this and wanted to know how it happened? I got my answer. She was a 47 years old American lady and she told me that she was playing this game for years but today created a new user name!!!
The other funny thing I had observed with Yahoo advertisement. I don’t know whether that advertisement comes now or not, the funny thing was the place it used to come. If you would see the webcam of the other person in an Instant message then just below the live picture of the other person you will find this advertisement. It would say something like ‘Want to be seeing someone else? Come to Yahoo personals, the best dating service’. Yahoo engineering infidelity!!!
Today I had the trip down my internet surfing days. The day perhaps 6 years back when I opened my first email id, the days of slow dialup connections, high surfing rates in cyber cafes eating up most of my pocket money and the days of Yahoo! Those days it was total monopoly of Yahoo, from email to Instant messenger. It was so funny even to hear Yahoo, it reminded of a song in one old Hindi movie. Now days, I guess, people are using more of Google- for mails, Instant messenger, blogs, frappr, maps etc. I think Google has one of those networking database as well which I hate and never registered myself in any of them.
I remember funny things about Yahoo; they are not as old but not that recent as well.
Once I got totally hooked up with yahoo games- the ‘Literati’. I would wait whole day at work so that I could go home in evening and start playing. If you have played literati, which I am sure most of you, then you would know, it is really hard to win the games in your initial days, even if your English vocabulary is good. When you login to literati, I discovered that Yahoo puts a small square of different colors besides your name. For first few days you would be provisional, and then you would begin with black square. Depending on how many games you win you will progress to yellow, blue, green and red (I don’t remember them exactly). I had lost many games and won only one, which cause the other player abandoned the game. I decided to somehow improve my statistics and change the color of square from black. I decided that I will play only with newbie’s like me. I would go and see which all black players are waiting at the table and I would join them. This way I managed to win few games. I was happy.
Once as usual I pounced on one provisional user name. I like a seasoned player greeted with ‘gl’ (games lingo). The other player got the first chance and started with a bingo!(35 bonus points) I thought may be it was fluke but it was the worst game I had. Ten minutes later I had the most humiliating defeat and I was shocked. After the game, the other player said ‘gg’ (good game). I could not place this and wanted to know how it happened? I got my answer. She was a 47 years old American lady and she told me that she was playing this game for years but today created a new user name!!!
The other funny thing I had observed with Yahoo advertisement. I don’t know whether that advertisement comes now or not, the funny thing was the place it used to come. If you would see the webcam of the other person in an Instant message then just below the live picture of the other person you will find this advertisement. It would say something like ‘Want to be seeing someone else? Come to Yahoo personals, the best dating service’. Yahoo engineering infidelity!!!
At 6:20 AM,
Y said…
That was a nice read.
When I look back just till 3 years ago internet was a nobody in my life. Now it just takes so much of my time.
At 1:25 PM,
XVSA013 said…
very funny man ... i know of ur attempts at infidelity!!!
At 1:47 PM,
greensatya said…
Yogi - Yeah, internet has become a part of our life now. A recent and important phenomenon.
Always .... - Duh, I was talking about Yahoo's attempt. You seem to have 'selective & convenient interpretation syndrome'. Grrrr !
At 2:45 AM,
Jessie said…
Thanks for your comment. Your blog is interesting as well!
At 11:23 PM,
greensatya said…
Hi there Jessie
Good to see you here, thanks for dropping by.
At 7:31 AM,
Raj said…
7th Jan, 2000 was when i logged on to the net for the first time. The dialup was so slow, it took years for a pic to load. The net has come a long way since then and so has my relationship with it.
At 9:13 AM,
Y said…
Without being cheeky, Raj feels like the dude from Dil Chahta Hai, who used to remmember the time and date of even the most silliest of things and to whom Saif Ali khan ends up saying 'agta hai iske bathroom jaane ka time aa gaya'.
At 9:59 AM,
Raj said…
@sej: Dude, I am Raj from DDLJ, remember??
I consider using the internet for the first time to be important event of my life and hence remember it. I don't remember the time tho. So whats the big deal?
At 11:32 AM,
greensatya said…
I think we can give Raj a little bit of leeway here. If he had also remembered the time at which he logged, then he could have been the dude from Dil Chahta hai.
So Raj will remain the Raj of DDLJ unless proven otherwise.
Sher -e-Jalandhar, better luck next time :P
(but that guy in 'DCH' was so funny, thanks for giving me laughs on Monday(blue) morning)
At 1:44 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
6 years? It's been 8 years to me! and in those days no one knew yahoo.. (forget that thesis you did on yahoo! :p ).. everyone used only hotmail..and its bare minimum 2mb! :)
At 2:02 PM,
greensatya said…
Twilight - 8 years ! Wow. I guess you got 'Internet-ly' elightened quite early.
In my case, you see me being a student of Civil Engineerng, there was no need of internet. (no American relatives either )
And yeah I remember those senior netizens having hotmail id. Was 2Mb enough ?
My tryst started with yahoo !!
What about computers ? When did you start with it ?
At 2:27 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
well you make me feel ancient! "computers" started when I started learning BASIC in school (class VIth).. That later went on to Pascal, then I took comp sc. in school (XI, XIIth instead of bio) and then comp sc. engg and now s/w dev. So you can guess! But definitely the internet age started in '97 for me.
At 2:38 PM,
greensatya said…
Twilight -
I was prepared for Indus Valley civilisation (heh!)
Guess, I can level with you on this. For me it was class VIth as well, DOS 4.7 and BASIC, all in one floppy disk (6.5inch floppy). You need to load both DOS and BASIC before work, no Windows and magnetic tapes for storing your project work. Then came Fortran and BASIC improved with GWBASIC.
..still regret not taking Economics in 10th for computers(ICSE board) and nor could even become a computer geek.
*sigh*, it was good memory trip.
At 2:43 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
the trip and all is fine, but pray tell me, which is this 6.5" floppy u are talking abt? There were only 5 1/4" back then (simply called A drive floppy for lack of a better term) and then came 3.5" (simply called b drive floppy by silly school kids)..
At 2:51 PM,
greensatya said…
Oops, it must have been 5 1/4" then.(could not remember it,eh)
We used to have two floppy drives for the same size 5 1/4" A and B. There was a simple command for copying content from one floppy to other and having two floppy drives meant not taking in and out floppies. Never knew B was reserved for the 3.5" versions :d
At 2:58 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
satya, "b:" was never "reserved". It was just usual for PC's to have an A: mapped onto a 5 and a quarter diskette drive and the B: mapped onto 3 and a half. For that matter, one can use Z: also, it doesnt matter. This is just a convention which got coined because of the trend.
At 3:05 PM,
greensatya said…
..and this explains why I could never become a computer geek :d
At 3:20 PM,
Y said…
Wow, a lot can happen in just 30 mins......I mean just some time back it was, what 10 comments and now 18.
At 3:23 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
Sher-e-jalandhar, that's the beauty of comments! :)
I visit some blogs purely because of the gadar in their comments section :p
At 3:26 PM,
greensatya said…
Yeah, you just missed how I was shredded to threads (pls this is no way related to threads of operating system) in those 30 mins :D
I will be better off talking in terms of Bending-moment and shear force and may be call and put option.
At 3:39 PM,
Twilight Fairy said…
shredded? that's rather gross, for just a "trip down memory lane" isnt it? :p
At 3:49 PM,
greensatya said…
If you say so !
The 'trip' became nightmare and if not for 'shredded' the experience is ineffable.
Guess, it was simply not my day; repeat performance of the last game of 'Literati'
At 9:01 AM,
Freeze said…
I started usin the net around 6 yrs ago too... that was with dial up. Now that I have broadband, I just cant imagine how boring it was to just wait for the pages to download. It wud take ages!
I started usin the comp when i was in 4th grade. just playing games and stuff. no BASIC or any sort of programming.
I was hookied to playing pool in yahoo games. I played a lot, trying to get the red colour, but when i got to blue, i got bored of it. So I just stopped playin it. But lots of competition. and i've never played literati. will go play it now. ;)
At 9:02 AM,
Freeze said…
i meant 'hooked' not hookied.. hehe
At 12:17 PM,
greensatya said…
Freeze - you all started Net quite early in 4th standard. Yeah, dialup was so boring but even we used to be happy those days that we have internet.
Hmm playing pool in yahoo, I have never tried it, will try it sometimes. I like playing pool a lot in real life :)
P.S - never mind the typos, I make most of them.
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