Movie Review - Closer

Well, I for once, don’t feel good while writing about one more movie. All of you readers, you will get an impression that I watch movies more than doing any other thing. I won’t blame you, considering the number of movie posts I am churning. But this movie is a special one, so, I could not contain myself.
This movie is the perfect reply to all those, mushy, out of reality, romantic movies, which ends up with the couples living happily thereafter. This movie takes you a step further to give insight into what happens after they start living happily thereafter. The actors in the movie are not glamorous movie stars, but treacherous individuals. There is emotion in the movie but only to exploit those emotions as weakness in the power play. The movie is mayhem of emotion, love, trust and honesty. In short, it’s a disturbing and almost real story movie.
This movie is love story of two couples, where there is everything but love. Each of the character is infidel who betrays, and gets betrayed. Who instigates infidelity, and cry when the same is done to them. It is about game of infidelity and possession played to demonstrate power. It is a movie about always wanting to have something different than what you already have. This movie will demonstrate how much love hurts - in ways how those whom we love can hurt us, and also in way how can we hurt those who love us ?
This movie can be confusing sometimes as the scenes are played back and forth in time period of 4 years. The story has been adopted from the stage play so the dialogues are quite frank and strong, for example “Heart is nothing, but fist draped in blood”; but there are no melodramas.
The tag line for the movie is perfect
“If you believe in love at first sight, you will never stop looking”
At 6:06 AM,
Raj said…
Now i must watch it :)
At 6:12 AM,
Akanksha said…
i dnt think i am goin to watch it coz i am already depressed and smthin like this would totally drive me over the edge!
i am waitin fr a nice comedy or and out and out action fick!
At 8:00 AM,
Y said…
I would have watched the movie, but I have realised that I cannot understand dialogues deliverred by Jude Law. Its just too tuff to understand him talking, for me.
At 10:02 AM,
greensatya said…
Raj - I definitely recommend the movie, it gives a different(real?) perspective of relationships.
Akanksha - If you are depressed, then better avoid this movie. This movie is draining and leaves you shaking at the end. I can sugges " The 40 Year Old Virgin" as a nice comedy.
Yogi - Funny that I forgot to mention the actors and actresses in the movie. Yeah, Jude Law does have a British accent but if you watch it attentively, the accent won't have be an issue.
At 12:21 PM,
XVSA013 said…
if ppl marry without knowing each other well .. inspite of at least one of them professing "love" pain is in store ... other person must be strong to resist
At 12:28 PM,
greensatya said…
Hey Jungle boy,
All relationships are like this, they look simple but are more complex. Love at first sight or 100 sight is always like this.
At 1:54 PM,
The Cat said…
Got your blog through Raj's. Nice blog.. :)
This movie was a huge muddle/mess(whichever way one looks at it). I read this movie's review in Newsweek and the reviewer heralded it as one of the most beautiful love stories around. After watching it, Im still wondering. Maybe I dont have subtle tastes?! Theres only insecurity depicted in there :/
At 4:40 PM, said…
I will never forget this movie, more for the environment in which it was watched than actually the movie.
I watched this movie around 9 months back in the US. We decided for this movie as our team-building party.
So we were like 6 guys and 3 girls of our project.
Holy s***, the first half of the movie was filled with all the vulgarity you can think of. A guy talking
with another guy( impresonating as girl) on chat and the chat window was filling the whole screen.
And they were talking all extreme vulgur language and then there were other adult scenes.
Now, the situation was that girls were sitting closeby and both guys and girls were very much embarresed
looking at the way the chat was going on. we were literally not able to look at the screen. Remember the girls
were our project mates, some senior to all and some in between , so it was a very bad situation and I guess
girls jsut wanted to move out of the theatre but were in a mix as to who should make the first move and
finaly one girl did and both girls followed her.
And guess what , after the girls left, there was not a single adult scene :)
Even more surprising is the fact that this movie was chosen by the girls themselves. Now , who say girls are
not unpredictable :))
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
In my opinion, the only good part about the movie was watching Clive Owen perform.
Other than that, the characters were flat - the acting average (except Clive) - and the story line predictable.
Pocky :)
At 7:42 PM,
greensatya said…
Aaki - Welcome and thanks for your comment. Sweet nick you have got 'aaki'. You are true,no part of the movie had 'love' in it, it was all about powerplay, and exploitation or weaknesses of others.
ATG - Yeah the dialogue had profanity in it, but they were strong. But this was evident from the rating. Adult scenes, but you were all adult, and since it was not bollywood movie so it was expected to be a hollywood movie. Again this movie is not best suited to see with your team or date, it is a disturbing movie and won't leave you in a good mood when you come out of the theatre.
Pocky - Yeah Clive Owen performed excellent but I guess Natalie Portman was equally impressive. Hmm, the story line was predictable, may be cause it was not one of those romantic movie, with out-of-reality storylines. Hope you had a great Christmas !
At 9:54 AM,
Mona said…
I watched this movie, and I agree with you that the story is really interesting and it's really close with the real life.
Luv Jude Law here :P
At 11:21 AM,
greensatya said…
Mona - Yeah, the best part of the movie was its reality. :)
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yet some people resist their normal course of feelings, just to seem "different" and unattainable.
Like Ayn Rand said, there is only one brand of people more dangerous than the conformists - the fashionable non-conformists.
Julia Roberts was ravishing as usual. Jude Law speaks with his eyes. Portman is a wift of fresh scented air..
At 9:23 PM,
greensatya said…
Anon - Yeah Rand has perfectly summed it up in that statement.
At 8:56 AM,
XVSA013 said…
what crap? how can some act "different" .. just to seem "different"???
if they do, they cant keep it up. like ppl who act "mature".
keep telling everyone "i am mature","i am mature","i am mature","i am mature" ... while truth is known to everyone ...
point is: no one is a fool ... ppl always see thru.
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