My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Commercialization makes it liberal


Christmas is the time for shopping, parties, lunches, dinners and decorations. It is also the time for observations, and one of which is

Christmas is the most popular festival, celebrated across the world in all the countries and among people of all the religions

People of all country, of all religion were wishing each other ‘Happy Christmas’. The festive spirit could be seen from USA to Singapore with even the shopping malls in Middle East draped in Christmas decorations. One of them even had an artificial skiing track fully decorated with Christmas items. It didn’t matter whether there was snow in Singapore or too much of it in Finland, the Christmas was celebrated by equal enthusiasm. Santa Claus from Lappland or Santa Claus popping from coke bottles was equally busy.

So why this mass scale phenomenon of Christmas, why this Christian festival has transcended national boundaries and religions? The answer lies in the same fact which is most of the time despised. Yes, commercialization. It is this which has brought this change. Today not every home will have little Jesus in cradle, or a highly decorated tree but they will still buy and give gifts and they will have their special lunch or dinner. Every corporate office situated anywhere in world will have Christmas parties. When the industry saw this potential of profit from Christmas, they popularized the festival. Their power packed advertisement made everyone aware of it; their sales promotion on the occasion allured everyone to buy things. In fact people most of the time wait for Christmas season to buy things, for this is the time when the stores will have their best merchandise.

Someone will argue that this all has killed the real Christmas, but it also has popularized it. It has made Christmas one of the most accepted religious festival. I think this tells us about other religions as well. The most commercial religions are also the most liberal one.


  • At 6:36 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    Religion has always been the biggest business satya ...

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Veera - truly said, and when this is commercialised then it makes the religion liberal. There can be tons of arguments against religion but it has atleast this positive aspect.

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    I totally agree with you and think its one of the positive aspects of commercialization.

  • At 6:27 AM, Blogger Y said…

    Haven't read the post yet.

    Dropped by to wish you a fabulous new year ahead.

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Raj - Yeah, there is a positive side of it.

    Yogi - Happy new year to you as well

    Always on the other side - Happy new name and new blog name as well !!


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