Words of Wisdom
These are the famous one liners from a 'not so famous' person.
Never win a fight for others.
Popularity is ephemeral, annonymity forever.
Trust can be broken only once.
Humiliate me once, your fault. Humiliate me twice, my fault.
Never take decisions based on assumptions.
'Yes' and 'No' are the only two answers you should believe.
Trust your enemy and love your friends (vice versa and you are doomed)
Honesty is the best policy and is never followed.
Be prepared for the worst, shit will surely happen.
If everything is correct, there is something wrong.
Any crisis that fails to kill you will make you stronger.
To be lonely you need to be alone.
Dependencies create complexities and leads to failure.
To send fax, first go to a fax machine.
Forgive but never forget.
(no credit for guessing the author)
These are the famous one liners from a 'not so famous' person.
Never win a fight for others.
Popularity is ephemeral, annonymity forever.
Trust can be broken only once.
Humiliate me once, your fault. Humiliate me twice, my fault.
Never take decisions based on assumptions.
'Yes' and 'No' are the only two answers you should believe.
Trust your enemy and love your friends (vice versa and you are doomed)
Honesty is the best policy and is never followed.
Be prepared for the worst, shit will surely happen.
If everything is correct, there is something wrong.
Any crisis that fails to kill you will make you stronger.
To be lonely you need to be alone.
Dependencies create complexities and leads to failure.
To send fax, first go to a fax machine.
Forgive but never forget.
(no credit for guessing the author)
At 5:16 PM,
Y said…
Few words that are a must takeaway for me:
Never take decisions based on assumptions.
Be prepared for the worst, shit will surely happen.
If everything is correct, there is something wrong.
//Trust u r enemies and love u r friends. There is a variant of this which I took from the movie Godfather:
'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer'. I am digressing, but the way Pacino administers these words in the movie is a sight to behold and that is why I remmembered.
At 10:23 PM,
greensatya said…
Yep, the enemies one is also the best for me.
At 7:18 AM,
XVSA013 said…
Satya - you havent added some of your other stuff:
Everyone is guilty untill proven innocent
but your master piece is this:
To send fax, first go to a fax machine.
At 9:28 AM,
greensatya said…
Veera - I wanted to put up that 'guilty' statement as well, but it would be too cynical :d
Yeah that fax thing I put up for you only :)
At 10:13 AM,
Raj said…
Even I believe in "forgive but never forget". Actually, its more like "pretend to forgive but never forgive or forget"
//Humiliate me once, your fault. Humiliate me twice, my fault.
this is very funny
//To send fax, first go to a fax machine.
this reminds me of a stupid quote i read on some site which said: "How to
store your baby walker: First, remove baby."
Its good to have a non-serious, not-related-to-economy post on ur blog :)
At 11:04 AM,
greensatya said…
Raj - Yeah, sometimes it is so hard to forgive.
Humiliate thing is indeed funny but it has a good meaning.
Was it a sarcasm? I don't think I write only serious, economy related post. :d
At 11:31 AM,
Akanksha said…
i can forgive and forget very easily and that is why i keep gettin hurt so often.. but one good thiong that comes frm forgivin and forgettin is a lot of mental peace!
so i would take peace over gettin hurt smtimes anyday..
i like the fax qoute too!
At 12:01 PM,
XVSA013 said…
ppl - u guys seem to hav taken a liking to that fax thing ... here is the history of it.
locations: me in Bangalore, Satya in Finland.
Situation: I am trying to send an urgent fax to Satya ... this is after many frustrating rounds of trail and error
me: satya, that damn fax machine is not sending anything. do u know how to use it?
satya: yes yes ... wait, i'll you. u wait.
me: wating ...
satya: First, go to the fax machine
me: u stupid moron, i know i have to go to machine to fax something ...
me: please continue from "second" point.
satya: heheh ... sorry man.
At 12:17 PM,
greensatya said…
Akanksha - Forgiving will give you peace of mind but if you forget then you will find yourself in the same situation again and again. So never forget !!
Yeah that incident which veera narrated is true.
All those who have ever interacted with me, knows that I always talk in unambigous terms. So that statement !!
Lol, seems funny, eh ?
At 6:06 AM,
Freeze said…
I'm your 7000th reader. Cool! Nice quotes..
even i liked that fax thing, just like the others
i also liked: Be prepared for the worst, shit will surely happen.
At 7:50 AM,
Raj said…
I wasnt being sarcastic. I actually prefer reading light-hearted posts than the serious ones :)
At 8:15 AM,
greensatya said…
Raj- I was just kidding. Overall I feel it is harder to come up with humourous than normal ones. And I find it easy to come up with flat posts :d lol
At 8:16 AM,
greensatya said…
Freeze - Glad to see you back!! Happy after your exams, isn't it ?
yeah the counter crossed 7000 :)
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