Climate Change ? Very likely
I am sure almost all would have found the advertisement of Vattenfall, mostly aired on BBC to be hilarious, just because it states something so obvious. It shows a conference of intellectuals and scientists, where one person is forcefully delivering the words about how one should control the negative climate change, etc. Then a voice says that empty words like this only add to carbon dioxide, at Vattenfall they do real effort to curb climate change. Vattenfall is an energy company, operating in Nordic countries, Germany and Poland of mainland Europe. I, as well, buy my electricity from them.
Now, let’s move over to the report released by the IPCC yesterday. IPCC is an intergovernmental panel comprising 113 countries and 600 scientists. In its report published yesterday, which is being hailed as something radical and revolutionary, they have said the reason for the climate change is "very likely" human activity! What news? In their report released in 2001, they had mentioned human activity as "likely" cause of climate change, and five years later with lot of conferences, research and money spent, they found human activity is "very likely" the cause of climate change. Five years later they will publish that human activity are the cause of climate change. Do we need 600 scientists to publish something that a high school dropout can conclude in less time and with less money spent?
It is high time that world recognizes that organizing conferences or having scientists jetting around the world to deliver a lecture is not going to help in the cause of climate change. It is time to do some real ground work, something which translates into activities. Along with the report published by IPCC on climate change, Exxon Mobil released its annual result as well. The oil company broke its own record of highest ever corporate profit in a year, posting a profit of $39.5bn. I don’t mind their profit, I am a staunch capitalist, but their result also mentions their expenses. Most of their expenses have been in exploring new oil reserves and nothing has been spent in R&D activity for alternative and cleaner source of energy such as Solar, Wind power, etc. Companies, who are making such huge profits by selling something which is causing climate change, could spend a bit of it in mitigating the bad effects. May be in another 100 years, IPCC would come with a report that yeah, fossil fuel causes climate change. Till then, let’s have more conferences, lectures, seminars and cocktail parties.
At 7:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow ... what a discovery.
Likely, its a work on a genius.
At 10:01 PM,
greensatya said…
Mowgli - Yeah, we should appreciate the hard work done by all these brilliant 600 scientist for five years to find out that it is not only likely, but very likely human activity which causes the climate change. Genius !!
At 8:41 AM,
Neihal said…
I dont think they understand or appreciate the magnitude of the problem, if they did, The scientists wudnt be doing all these stupid conferences, what is happening to the climate, we all know, we dont need these ppl to tell us, if only they cud give us some proper and practicle solutions.
At 12:27 PM,
greensatya said…
niehal - Yeah I guess for our learned scientists, it all about those luxury trips to conferences, partying, wining & dining and excursions to mountain peaks.
At 6:15 PM,
Neihal said…
now now...I am thinking abt becoming one of those fancy (social) scientist as well.....I sure can do all this :))
At 7:06 AM,
Neihal said…
Oh I forgot..."I ll speak about,how terrorism is not country-specific, we all need to unite against it"
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well the IPCC report is a consensus work and, as expected, even many scientists are disappointed at the rather blad wording. However, it does contain a wealth of other information. The full report will come out in stages, but read the summary at
Unfortunately, we live in such political climate that such "over-research" needs to be performed before any policymakers take climate change seriously. And it remains to be seen if they do so even now..
At 4:52 PM,
greensatya said…
Neihal - If you can speak about both Global warming and terrorism, then you have just promoted yourself to being an international stateswomen. Eyeing the UN, eh ? :P
Sami - Thanks for the link, it was a good read. Yeah I got your point that the whole exercise is to spur the governments across to do something. I hope it does, but I thought it was merely stating the obvious at such huge cost.
Still we don't know if something comes out of it. We are having the bickering between the countries about who is polluting more then whole lot of conflict between developed and developing countries. Sigh !
At 4:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very true, no one has problems with the profit that Oil companies have made due to ever increasing Gas prices, however the social responsibility of funding the research projects to find alternate source of energy is also part of their larger corporate responsibility. The congressional committee in US have also hauled up the CEOs of the oil companies, but from there responses it did not seem to me that any serious efforts to solve the energy problem of the world through alternative cleaner means are being made. Finding some alternate means of energy is no easy task either, I suppose a Manhattan Project like effort and resource commitment is required from the Govt.
At 4:56 PM,
greensatya said…
Kartik, yeah we are already too late in finding alternative source of energy. Nuclear energy always hogs the space whenever it comes to alternative source of energy but how about hydrogen as a fuel for vehicles and such ?
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nahi Satya!!
Only Terrorism. In any case all I am lookinf for ig "luxury trips to conferences, partying, wining & dining and excursions to mountain peaks.":D
No not greedy :D
At 2:42 AM,
Sharda said…
Most of the research team,study organization are arranged just so that they can party and have a good time on poor taxpayers.
Of course it is not true in all the cases but most of them just waste the time and money.
At 3:41 AM,
Kartik said…
Hydrogen extraction is the best bet, but till date there had been no cheap technology to extract hydrogen, but may be if we have economy of scale it might get cheaper. We got to pour money in research. Since US has money and intellectual capital both, they should take the onus in their hand, but unfortunately most the top politicians are either on the board of the oil companies or they have huge stakes in those companies, naturally US congress has never been enthused about funding any suck big ticket project work.
Chinese demand for oil is growing very fast, and US consumption can never go down, therefore the oil crisis can only worsen.
At 6:26 AM,
The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…
woah! why is the onus of doing something about the current environmental abuse entirely on the scientists?? They study it- that's their job. Unfortunately science hasn't advanced to a point where a small group can fix mistakes committed on a global scale.
At 7:40 AM,
greensatya said…
Neihal - Haha, for that you sure need to become one of those 'global warming' scientist and I mean it :)
SM- Sharda, it is you ? I had to go back and check it. Well rich countries have lot of money, nonetheless, most of these conferences, seminars and brain storming sessions are waste of money.
Kartik - Yeah money is needed to create technologies for making those fuels at affordable cost. Much as it happened with Copper extraction and mining, I am sure prices could be brought down.
Ipanema girl - I understand your point but we were not putting the blame on scientist. Just see what they did after so much money spent, their outcome was human activity was 'very likely' for climate change. Does this statement or finding requires scientist, even a person like me can say this without doing any research or conferences. No offence meant for scientist community.
At 3:34 AM,
The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…
no offence taken, satya. Yes, the statement sounds ostensibly trivial and oversimplified. It is possible that more was discussed at the conference- that was a nice link given by sami above in your comments. cheers
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
i thnk there is no climate ... very likely concept of climate is a right wing conspiracy
At 6:34 AM,
pradman said…
It is high time that world recognizes that organizing conferences or having scientists jetting around the world to deliver a lecture is not going to help in the cause of climate change
Climate change sure is "very likely" with all these scientists adding to the global warming situation by flying around the world on flights that contribute aerosol pollution to the world. :)
At 4:13 PM,
The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…
lol @ anonymous :). satya where are you?
At 6:29 AM,
Neihal said…
Yes Satya, where are you?
At 6:19 AM,
P said…
Brillant post.
Lol@ anonymous' comment..
At 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why did you delete two of ur posts? I came here to comment on them!
At 10:17 PM,
greensatya said…
Ipanema girl - Yeah the report does contain additional facts. But the main point highlighted in the report was that "very likely" thing. Aren't our scientist community wasting their time finding such trivial results?
Anonymous aka Mowgli - Yeah, you comment deserved lot of appreciation as you can see. But I guess you got divine retribution, past few weeks in Pennsylvania, must have told you what is "Climate" ! You seem to be a Republican !
Scipio- Yeah these scientists would be doing a great favour if they don't jet around the world and add to globalwarming. I heard there is another conference being organised in a day or two in US.
Ipanema girl - Sorry for the delay and absence. I wanted to reply this weekend, but I fell sick. Moreover work is really keeping me occupied these days. *sigh*
Neihal - Thanks for checking on me, I am back !!
Perspective Inc - Can't tell how glad I am to see you here. I was afraid that you left the blogging world for good. Thanks anyways.
Twilight - No no, I didn't delete any of the post, I upgraded the blogger and that seems to have messed up the posts. I will get back to you soon on those posts.
At 11:07 AM,
XVSA013 said…
well, i am loving this climate ... -10 C is lovely.
As an legal alien I am neutral to politics in this country ...
past few days one will have to believe Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears represent the divergent public opinion on how to run the war in Iraq.
At 7:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now if you dont respond to my mails, I shall let out some of *your* secrets here.. humph.. X(
At 2:45 PM,
greensatya said…
Mowgli - lucky you, we are reeling with -30C these days.
Anna Nicole Smith, would surely have done the Iraq thing much better and with lesser loss of lives.
Twilight - I have replied ot your mails. My secret ?? I am an open book, I dont have any secret.
At 11:35 PM,
educatedunemployed said…
You can come out of hiding now.
At 2:55 PM,
educatedunemployed said…
You will have to blog to get onto my blog roll.
At 8:21 AM,
Neihal said…
what happnd??
At 12:36 PM,
greensatya said…
EU - I have come out of hiding and back to blogging.
Neihal - I am back !!! thanks for checking on me.
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