My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Nothing Much

I feel bad that I am not blogging these days; the worse is that I am not even reading the blogs I used to frequent. I went to many such blogs now and found that I have not one or two but even three unread posts in each of them. I do make an attempt to read them everyday as a part of my online habit. Sometimes I would read them and feel strongly to comment, deciding to do it a bit later. By the time I would come back to the blog, there would be two more new posts.

I would not say that I am keeping busy cause that would be an excuse. I have always maintained in my life that one is never busy for things one want to do. Even now, with huge pinch on my conscience, I would stand by it. I have always seen it that if things are left pending, slowly it will acquire the shape of a vicious circle.

It keeps getting worse and the only way to come out of it is to act now, but even that is not helping now. I keep getting myself in funny situations. It is going to be more than a month and I have yet to register myself in the city. I decided to do it two days ago, just before I going to work. I took the print out of the map to reach the office. To make the story short, when I reached the area, I somehow could not locate myself on the map so it became useless and I had to abort the idea. Yesterday, the restaurant where we had dinner is one bus stop from my apartment. I could have walked but thought of taking the tram to make it fast and I hopped into the correct ‘number’ tram but going in the opposite direction. Probably I had a drink more than I should. I had to spend 15 more minutes to save 5.

This weekend hopefully we will have snowfall, which is unusually delayed this year. The last time I saw sun or a sunny day was when I was in India. But I am happy that unlike most others, the dark period has not messed up my routine. This being my third winter in Finland, I was expecting this dark period but only till November. Yeah it does induce sleep at odd hours, but I have not succumbed to it yet. Everyone on the street have a long face, devoid of any smile and warmth, just happy to get past one more gloomy and depressing day (?). Things will brighten and people will cheer up once snow is here.


  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Neihal said…

    I literally grew up in deserts and and an a complete 'desert woman' ( like that expression :)), but atleast once in my life I want to see a good snowfall, a real good one ( which will basically be a bad weather )

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    i don't see why "i'm too busy" cant be an viable excuse. (i use it all the time ;)) - i may like lot of things, but dont always have time for all, so i have to prioritise. :-) thats how i explain it.

    i was wondering if you went back to india already.

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    On some level I agree, that if you really want to do some thing you will find the time to do it.So one is never too busy to do the things he likes doing.

    But there is some thing called a person's capacity to do things.Some times you need to fit in the need to just laze around, miss several posts and not care a damn when you have left no comments.

    You have to respect that you only have so much capacity to do so many things.And that it is fine.

    Do send us pictures of snow et al.

  • At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have reached that *stage* of blogging too. Lazy on checking post and also posting. but luckily blogline saved my laziness. Well, you'll get through it soon.

    Yes, I think it will snow in few days time. don't worry. Father christmas never fails to deliver snow for christmas. ;)

  • At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    typical ... "funny situations"

  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Neihal - Yeah first snowfall has its own 'charm'. If you experience it for the first time in life, then it is all the more wonderful. After few months it becomes boring. I am sure one day you will visit some place to see snowfall.

    Ipanema girl - No, I am still in Finland, would be here for some more time.
    You have given the answer yourself. When you prioritise then you give high priority to things you want to do, after the unavoidable one. So you are busy only for things which are low on your priority list. :)

    EU - It is hard to disagree with the capacity thing. Yeah sometimes we wish to laze around and don't give a damn, but only if we can do so.

    Come snowfall and I am out with my camera. Anyway have made plans to visit the sea and the christmas market tomorrow.

    Heather - Nope, I think you post more on your blog than me. I will have to take more interest in my blog.

    Mowgli - You are correct, 'typical' funny situations, but for you !!! lol

  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger pradman said…

    This must be the millionth time you beat me into writing about something I was thinking about.

    Well, I am going to write anyway... :)

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Freeze said…

    hehehe, typical funny situations!

    and you are always in them, are you not! :P (remember when you got locked out of your own apartment! )hahaha. good laugh I had!

  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    Ha ha what you are hell bent on disagreeing with me now.And yes it is kinda hard to win with me over a conversation.:P

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    Hmm...It does hurt a lot when you make a wrong decision unknowingly. The worst part is that there's no one to blame.

    I wonder what would happen to me under such gloomy and depressing environment. I'm cranky under normal circumstances but I think if everyone around me is cranky, I enjoy it and am happy :D

    Long comment! :)

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    yeah so as i said ... these situations happens to u and u only....

    if u want shall i list them here?

  • At 2:09 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    Procrastinating work is not a new concept for human beings,it happens to every one once in a while.People need break form every thing and then come back with full charm.
    waiting ahead to read a wonderful blog from you about snowfall time.

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Scipio - I was wondering what were you going to write, which I already put up here. Then I read your blog and we both have written about not blogging. Pretty funny :)

    Freeze - Hey hey, that is wrong conclusion. Ask anyone and all have one instance in their life when they were locked out.

    EU- No, I was not hell bent on disagreeing with you. Winning the conversation, let's have a debate once. I would love to debate even though I may lose.

    Raj - It would be good to test. But I am sure you would be quiet as others. It is hard to imagine how much the weather affects one, unless you get the experience yourself. Not all get depressed or have mood swings but then some effect is still there. Now things are bright and we have snow.

    Raghu - Yeah it did snow and last night it snowed more. We have a white layer of snow and have a small amount of Sunlight as well.

    Mowgli - Go ahead, the test of the truth lies in the fact.

    Sharda - Yeah I wish to blog about snowfall time as well and with pictures. I did it both the last winter I spent in Finland. But again procrastination as you said...

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    good to see a new post here :)

  • At 2:26 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…


  • At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas! Time to update us!! :P

  • At 11:07 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Abhinav - Yeah a new post is here

    EU - Hey, look who's at the door ? Come on over.

    Heather - Belated Merry Xmas.

  • At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh u did the 3B/3T switch!! happens with ppl.. not necessarily drunk :).

  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Twilight Fairy - Naah' it was tram no 10 !


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