My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Reparations for slave trade

Thought it is still few months for bicentenary of the Slave Trade Act in UK, which abolished British participation in trans-Atlantic slave trade until March 25, 1807, Tony Blair has given the start to the debate on the whole issue. After his expression of deep sorrow, which was slammed by some for being short on apology, already there has been demand of reparations. These reparations, which in literal term mean ‘repairing the harm’, are also being sought in practical terms, meaning cash. It may not be cash, but it is yet to see whether Britain does any sort of reparations.

Even after abolition of trans-Atlantic slave trade, which had resulted in riches for many in France, USA, Caribbean Islands and Britain, the condition of Africans haven’t changed much. So if there has to be any sort of reparations, it should be for upliftment Africa and its deprived inhabitants. Dispersing cash in any form, may be to the present generations of those harmed (as suggested in some circles) is not going to help in any way. There are several better and effective ways for these rich countries to help them.

Today Africa is besieged by variety of issues, be it genocide, corrupt dictatorial rules, AIDS, hunger, poverty, corruption etc. We don’t see any active help from any of the government of the rich nations. Yesterday, the outgoing secretary of UN, Kofi Annan accepted on a news channel that there is neither ‘will nor resource’ to stop the mass slaughter in Darfur. As I write this, the news is coming on BBC that a mass grave has been uncovered in Congo of the poor people killed by Congo army. The question is who supports these apathetic governments and who gives them weapons?

Even during the slave trade, Britain, USA or France didn’t capture slaves on their own. It was the savage rulers of Central and Western African kingdoms and chiefdoms who captured them and sold them. In a way they were getting sustained by the same slave trade that encouraged the slave trade further creating a vicious cycle. Just like what could have done then, could still be done now. The world should unite in isolating these selfish, corrupt and cruel rulers and deprive them of money and weapons.

Africa has to have sustainable economic development of its own. Africa does have agricultural produce of its own; for example it has good output of cotton. But African cotton does not stand a chance in international market full of cheap cotton from the subsidized developing countries. Infact if the rich nations agree on reducing subsidy on agriculture, it would give fair play to the African farmers. This is one sort of reparations that can be done.

There are many other ways for undoing and helping the Africans for one of the most unfair treatments of humanity also called African Holocaust. It is so heartening to see few individuals doing their best like the U2’s rock star Bono and entrepreneur Bill Gates. Now it is time for bigger nations to really translate their sorrow in deeds.


  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    0. those brits were up in arms when zimbabe tried land reforms ... eviting 1% of whites (who still happen to have British passports) who own 90% of cultivatable land ...

    hypocrisy man. no ends.

    1. take care of india
    2. giving money wont solve problem

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Neihal said…

    you are cash is hardly the solution.and as far as uniting against the corrupt Annan states a clear lack of will in this case as well.....who will even bother unless a region becomes completely unstable or poses a threat to the powerful western nations.

  • At 6:44 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Mowgli - Man, India does not need any help or any reparations. It has resources to build its own destiny.

    Neihal - Yeah, I agree. Worlds needs to focus and do something for Africa before it threatens the whole world. Sadly, we can only hope.

  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    hmm..i do think we can do our small bit and some money goes a good ways in helping too, although not the solution to the problem. that is so much more complex.

    hey- ever since i switched to M/S and using IE i can see the David Whyte's lines in my browser when i visit your blog. that is cool! :-)

  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Ipanema girl - Yeah money can help but it will become an excuse. We need total revamp, some placebo measures won't help in there.

    See, I used to tell you that Windows is cool ! welcome to the rocking world of MS. And since the time they upgraded my IE, I can't see those lines :(


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