My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Back in town

So it is now a month that I returned to finland after a gap of six months. It was as surprising to me to be back here as to others. I guess there is something in my destiny that brings me back to Finland, every time I leave it.

For all I know, I was supposed to move to Hong Kong for indefinite period. Tickets were booked, my bags were packed, but at the last moment I decided not to go. Ofcourse it was not that easy to say no, I had lot of uncomfortable questions to answers later. Had I accepted that offer, I would not have been here today. So it’s destiny. I don’t know how long I would be here this time. Living out of bags is also one integral part of my destiny.

First time I flew directly to Helsinki from India, unlike the stopover at Paris on earlier flights. The flight was good and totally convenient: just 7 hours of travel time. It didn’t feel like intercontinental flight, most flights in India with delays and congestions are almost 4 hours. Just after landing in Helsinki, in two hours, I had to take the flight to Copenhagen and then train to Malmo(Sweden). The bridge over the sea that connects Denmark and Sweden is quite impressive. First time I crossed that bridge. The trains from CPH airport to Malmo are so frequent, every twenty minutes, and takes twenty two minutes to reach Malmo Center. I think the bridge is called Öresund Bridge. It is 16Km long and was opened to rail and road traffic in 2000. Marevellous infrastructure. Well, after the weekend, I had to take return flight and on Monday evening I was in Helsinki and back to my old office.

Here I am, my fourth successive winter in Finland and I am enjoying it.



  • At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good for you. Enjoy while it lasts.

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    Europe seem to like u very much :)

    enjoy the chill!

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    are u doing all the things which you did last time around???? :P

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Thanks busy doctor !

    Abhinav - Rather, I like Europe much

    Mowgli - Yeah, more than last time. I am going to Brazil, Peru and Chile very soon.

  • At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ya, I noticed visits from Finland on my blog. You're lucky. Not everyone gets to go back to their favorite places. Enjoy your stay :)

  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    but at the last moment I decided not to go. Ofcourse it was not that easy to say no, I had lot of uncomfortable questions to answers later. Had I accepted that offer, I would not have been here today. So it’s destiny.
    What's your second job? Spin doctor? :D Destiny, after you decided to say no - buaahhahaa. :D

  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    enjoy! blog more from finland.

    i had also once visited cph and then taken the "Flyboat" to malmo. :)

  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Raj - Yeah, one way it is my favourite place.

    Tacky - Not bad, not bad, atleast this one is much better than "get hit by train"

    TGFI - Oh, Flyboat, that must have been exciting. Surprised that you have to not so known places as well, I mean from 'someone coming from US' perspective.

  • At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm glad you're back to your "dream place", but (and I agree here with projektleiterin) you contradict yourself when you say it was destiny. From what you wrote it's clear that it was merely your choice to come back to Finland and you were not thrown there forcefully by fate ;-)

    You also made no comment on that...maybe it felt uncomfortable for you? Because you see, an interesting thing is...if you admit that something is YOUR choice and your will - then you have to take the whole responsibility for it, no matter what the consequences are. But if you use destiny as an excuse...then, in case something goes wrong, you can always say "oh it was destiny. What could I do?".

    Or am I wrong? ;-)

  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous - I appreciate your reading the blog and putting in your comment. Guess I would have to come clean on this.

    This post might have been exaggerated a bit. I am happy to be back in Finland but not like going to one's dream place. I wonder if I even have a dream place. I had to go somewhere and that's how I am here.

    Now the destiny angle. See, I didn't go to Hong Kong. So I was in India, now how did I get an assignment in Finland, it could have been anywere in the world. But Finland, that's where my interpretation of destiny.

    Now responsibility. If you have been reading my blog for sometime and if you would have know me, then you would know that my life has always been about taking hard decisions and responsiblity. Never once I have shied away from my responsibility or taking refuge in excuses. Destiny or no destiny, I never see it as an excuse. Heck, I even didn't realise that use of 'destiny' would create such an interpretation. I have always given least importance to destinty. Reading a blog and making conclusions about someone, might not be true in all the cases.

    And me not making comment on projectleiterin (Tacky) is that I just enjoyed it. Didn't know that Tacky seriously wrote it. She has a habit of cutting those 'smartass' comments.

    So nothing much to read and yeah I am a man of my words & responsibility.

  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    satya, I agree with Anonymous ... pls get your act together.

  • At 8:21 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Mowgli - Yeah you too agree. Anonymous loves you all !

  • At 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ehm…well. Whom are you playing the fool with here? 

    Sorry, but your explanation looks like a mere verbiage to me. You do miss some logics here…like, for instance, you say “how did I get an assignment in Finland, it could have been anywere in the world” – true, but you had an option to go to Hong Kong and you YOURSELF said “no” at the very last moment, right? That’s what I was wondering about, and not about other possible places of your assignment. So you made your choice. Very likely that the reason for that was (partly at least): you were also hoping to get back to Finland.

    Next. You “didn't realize that use of 'destiny' would create such an interpretation”?? Oh man. Isn’t the word “destiny” normally being interpreted as a “predetermined course of events”? Or maybe you created another, new interpretation of your own? Heh. You “have always given least importance to destiny”, suuuure, that’s why you used the word 3 TIMES in the beginning of your last post?

    So, unfortunately, a lot of words from your side but not a grain of common sense. You’re only slipping out, you know, stuff like this “Reading a blog and making conclusions about someone, might not be true in all the cases.”. Yea, but I’m not taking all the cases ;-) Only this one – where the absence of logics in your words is so blatant, that I wonder how come only projectleiterin noticed that. She must probably be the only one reading your stuff with due attention (and yes, I think she was serious).

    May seem that I’m overparticular. No. It just grates on my nerves when something confuses me ;-) I start to think like, ‘hmm, who’s being fooled here’.

    Thanks for the attention :D

  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    i agree with anonymous too. s/he is right. satya please provide a good explanation.

    and "someone coming from US". damnit! stop insulting me on your blog! i come from India. I just live in the US for now. :@

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous - Praise the lord !! Since it was grating on your nerve, you thought you should start grating mine. Grate the pavements sweetheart, I have slipped twice this season. Hmm, so acerbic, yet mellifluous, ah !

    I will have to repeat again. I didn't mean destiny for the part where I said 'No'. I meant destiny for the second part. And who knows, it was something paranormal that made me say 'No'. Destiny has some ways to achieve those 'predetermined course of events'.

    So we agree 'destiny' was for the later part and not the first part. And yeah, I have mailed the 'project leader' to come and explain her comments as well.

    Do I make some common sense now or as I am as stupid as before ?

    I see people are falling for you anonymous. You are definitely some hot stuff !! If you start your own blog, people would be so happy with their life.
    Thanks for the comment again, looking for more of it. But I am unavailable for tomorrow, so would reply only on thursday.

    And no problem for the attention. If you want some more of this discussion, then let's sit over a bottle of Koskenkorva. I talk good when I am drunk!

    TGFI - How bad !!! all my friends are ditching me !!

    Hehe, coming from US !! agreed agreed, you are the Dr Indian :)

    Does the above explanation hold some water or it is still like walking on the water ?

    God I need to put a new post soon to take attention away from this blog.

  • At 12:07 AM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    Kiddies, play nice please. :D

    I will jump to Satya's defense and totally agree that he is someone who strongly relies on himself and is not the kind of person to put the blame on others. I pout and complain way more often than he does. I saw his claim that it was destiny as a jocular comment, he was being a bit facetious. He had hoped to come back (and do not believe him when he pretends that it's not his dreamland, through cunning use of interrogatin methods that would make the CIA blush I was able to extract the information that he absolutely loves it there :D) and his wish was granted. His musings whether this was "destiny" or not was probably closer to one's occasional meditative reflections on life and its meaning than the attempt to deflect personal responsibility.

    And I don't make "smartass" comments, just comments that are much more clever than yours. :D

    And it's not "Tacky"!!

  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Project Leader AKA Tacki - Many thanks.
    Anonymous, please see what she has written and accept it. It was her comment that sparked this debate and now she is settling it. I hope you buy her argument

    Tacki, whatever, those comments would still be called 'smartass' comments.

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger projektleiterin said…

    My precious sarcasm is so totally lost on you...

  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Tacki - Yeah spare me, please :)


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