My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday siesta

From the days, when I have been in Finland I have got into this habit of taking siesta after lunch every Sunday.I like this so much that I won't trade my sunday siesta for any damn thing.It is so satisfying to wake up in the evening and then prepare a cup of tea, english black tea splashed with milk mmmmmm :).A 15 mins view of any good movie is the perfect compliment my sunday evening tea.

By the way few facts about tea

According to Chinese mythology, in 2737 BC the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist was the one who discovered tea.

The first mention of tea outside China and Japan is said to be by the Arabs in 850 AD and it was they who were reputed to have brought it to Europe via the Venetians circa 1559

The Indian and Japanese legends both attribute it to Bodhidharma the devout Buddhist priest who founded Zen Buddhism.

The modern term "tea" derives from early Chinese dialect words - such as Tchai, Cha and Tay - used both to describe the beverage and the leaf.


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