My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Creation of business for Indian post offices

If you are in a competitive business and want to make profit, then there are two ways.

1. Be the best service provider
2. Be the only player in the business.

It does not take to have a degree from Harvard to think of this. Most of the firms when faced with this situation, will choose the first way. It is impossible to eliminate others from the business. Not always. A government can indeed go for second step.

What happens when the shoddy, irresponsible, unaccountable and corrupt postal service of department of post, Government of India faces stiff competition from private courier firms? What happens when people prefer the efficient and responsible courier services over the ‘India post’ resulting in dwindling business; consequently no/less profit of India Post? The answer is simple. Government proposes to bring a bill which when turned into law will give exclusive rights to India post to carry letters up to 300 grams. It will be illegal for private courier companies to deal in it. One source estimates that letters up to 300 grams constitute 65% of the postal industry of India, which is around 1 billion USD. This change has been proposed in the new law which will replace the ‘Indian Post Office Act, 1898’.

Letters were always the monopoly of Indian post offices, but courier companies bypassed it by terming the letters as ‘documents’. The act will define letters as any communication produced by written, mechanical, electronic and other means (letter-card, post-card and all envelopes), documents and return answers. Now leaving no loop holes, it went and brought in the 300 gm limit. For rest, the courier companies can now deal in ‘letters’.

So the government found the easiest way to ensure assured business for its postal department. It decided to create a monopoly in the much touted liberal Indian economy. Forget one day delivery time, pickup service or certainty of your letter getting delivered. Prepare to make trips to your dingy local post office, wait for the mighty clerk to find some time to work between the tea/coffee breaks and then make a prayer to God for your letter to be delivered.

Now since government has some of the brilliant brains so it has to give some justification for this step. You think of one and you will get hundred. The private courier companies work only in the creamy sector where they make profit. The government has to fulfill universal service obligation (USO) and hence it needs money for it. So it wants to get all the business from the creamy sector to work in socially undeveloped sectors even if it comes at the expense of common man. This sounds so good and convincing, except for the fact that what happens to the revenue of the government which it gets from so many sources including number of taxes. Is that not sufficient?

Further when there is such a genius concept of USO why not put it to more use. For this USO, the private courier companies will have to part with 10% of their revenue. This 10% no courier company is going to pay from its own pocket. It will cascade down to end customers. What happens to the service tax, which we pay to government each time we use courier services? I am not taking any side but I can’t understand why to have this USO tax and monopoly both? If the business was made exclusive for India post, then why this USO? Or, if this USO surcharge then why the monopoly? What is the real purpose, to gather funds or have a monopoly?

I also don’t understand this recent spurt in USO tax or levy. The taxes which we pay to government are income tax, service tax, sales tax, excise tax etc. Apart from this we pay separate tax for education, highways, USO of telecom and now this USO for postal service. If we have to pay for everything separately, then, why the original taxes? Recently there was proposal to have 500Rs as tax on every flight ticket for this USO i.e. development of air services in smaller/non-creamy cities.

Across the world when governments are privatizing their postal services and opening up the sector, in India they are creating monopoly. What right India has to complain about the protectionist policies of other countries when it itself does the same things. Charity begins at home.

P.S – Since India is a democratic country, the department of post has put up this proposal for views from public. If any one wishes so, they can send their views which might be considered. Please visit this link of department of post for sending your opinion.


  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger Y said…

    In here to make the '0', '1'

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Y said…

    Satya me thinks the proposal is good. Only it wont be done in the way it is proposed. The thing is corruption will creep in. Let the private companies develop the 35% of the business. And the govt take a stand that it wont interfere on that part. I tend to look at this decision and also hope that it is a selfish one. Ofcourse if it is a decision made bcoz it is a comfortable one then we r all at a loss.

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Raj said…

    I think its a terrible thing to do. I hope this law is not passed. It would be really dumb of the parliament to pass such a law.

  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger killer is i said…

    Thats not a good law acc to me. I mean wat if u want yr normal letter to b posted earlier, that 300 gms policy sux man. And that USO tax .. ugghhh ... as i said before, indian govt. don't care about general people.
    That was nice info as usual .. staya :)

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Freeze said…

    What do you think? Will the bill b passed?

    I read abt this in the paper, but didnt think too much abt it.

  • At 2:58 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    hello satya,
    i like reading your blog, and have you on my bloggroll now. i figured it was "bletiquette" to let you know?

  • At 6:33 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    In my view Govt. has run out of ideas frm where to generate money so as to keep the corrupt politicians and babus happy. So when there is no other way to generate money, resort to the old ways of levying taxes and more taxes in the name of development...i wonder whose development they are talking abt. The Govt. goes to WTO and fights for fair economic rights and here they levy ADC to keep the BSNL balance sheet looking good. i wonder where our economy is heading.
    I hope that bill never passes..if it does i wonder when our letters are gng to reach us.

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sher - You didn't mention how you think the proposal is good ? and don't you think corruption is already there in postal deptt. Above all think of common man. Will our letters get delivered? may be once in a while.

    Raj - The law is in the favour of Indian bureacracy, so I guess it might be passed by parliament.

    Killer - Thanks. It does seems that government does not care about common people.

    Freeze - I think it might be passed. Works well with the bureacracy with colonial attitude.

    TGFI - Thanks for putting me in your blogroll. I am going to visit your blog now. 'Bletiquette' - nice word :)

    Abhinav - Yeah this laws seems to be total hypocrisy.

  • At 8:10 AM, Blogger Akanksha said…

    first that stupid OBC reservation bill and now this.. i am fumin frothin at my mouth fumin abt the OBC reservation

    i just wish we could do smthing abt it
    stupid laws stupid babus
    stupid govt. argghhhhh

    *spits fire*

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I agree, this is principally wrong in a free economy, not to mention as a common man I think it is denying me of little comforts that the private services had provided albeit at higher costs.
    I doubt the concept of non interference is at all valid, after all it is an open market for competetion to set in.Thanks Greensatya..I wasn't aware..

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Y said…

    Satya, I think we have to give govt services a chance. Yes they were corrupt and all. But like with all things they shud be given a second chance. (Personally I have found the speed post of IPS to be leagues ahead of the DHLs and Fed Exs of the world)

    I always put in u r blog, all human constructs are filled with fallicies, because u alway bring out the fallicies in the system. But I think you err in thinking that free market is always good. India is a developing country with small islands of prosperity. In such a case govt sponsored schemes are needed and a totally free market will only accentuate the distorted prevailing conditions.

    Coming back to the postal thing and just concentrating on the 300 gm scheme, I have some points. The govt shud propose heavy use of internet. Use it as a tracking mechanism. So that whatever delay that is happening, the govt service is made fully accountable of it. There can be an in built mechanism of compensating the consumers in case of unwanted delays or non deliveries of letters. (And for one thing because of the non confidence it will divert a lot of correspondence to the internet.
    Saving paper.)

    And truly the IPS suffers from what is called the last mile problem. Coz the facilities used to transport letter documents..etc inter region are shared by govt and postal companies alike in most cases. It is in this last mile ..that is the postman where reforms are needed. This can be done by attaching a postmans wage to the number of letters he delivers in a day. And there could be a minimum standard proposed depending on the area traffic.

    At the risk of overshooting with my mouth, govt could outsource the collection and distribution at major metros.

    There are a host of things that can be proposed but how far they would be implemented is anyones guess. My point was that this scheme is not bad, if the government is serious. If they really wanted to rake in the moolahs this is a great opportunity. Infact why shud govt do the donkeys work of feeding the rural and unwanted regions and private players do all kind of masti and jazzy things in prosperous areas? If the govt is looking at this issue with this angle, I think it wud do well.

    But ofcourse if this was done keeping in mind that they would get easy business, then its a lost cause.

  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Akanksha - Yeah it is strange, there are many such laws coming out everyday.

    EU - Yeah thats true. Indian govt shouts free market at the top of its voice everywhere but does opposite in its domain.

  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sher - Your points are valid but they are also laced with assumptions. Let us not make assumptions and have a free thinking. Now lets see

    //Satya, I think we have to give govt services a chance. Yes they were corrupt and all. But like with all things they shud be given a second chance. (Personally I have found the speed post of IPS to be leagues ahead of the DHLs and Fed Exs of the world)//

    You have answered yourself how IPS should get chance. It should aim to make it better than private agencies and get the business for it. What's wrong in it ? Why use some ulterior methods for it?

    //I always put in u r blog, all human constructs are filled with fallicies, because u alway bring out the fallicies in the system. But I think you err in thinking that free market is always good. India is a developing country with small islands of prosperity. In such a case govt sponsored schemes are needed and a totally free market will only accentuate the distorted prevailing conditions.//

    Yeah government has to think of welfare measures and to work in islands which are not developed. So for these things we pay taxes, don't we ? Our FM said that sinces services consitute more than 50% of GDP so it should pay equal tax as manufacturing and increased the service tax. Everytime you send anything through courier you pay 12% service tax. What happens to that money ? Do you think lack of funds stops is hampering progress of undeveloped portions of India ? please think again. It is inefficient macro mgmt of govt. The corruption of bureacracy. By giving more funds you are perpetuating and abetting the corruption.

    //Coming back to the postal thing and just concentrating on the 300 gm scheme, I have some points. The govt shud propose heavy use of internet. Use it as a tracking mechanism. So that whatever delay that is happening, the govt service is made fully accountable of it. There can be an in built mechanism of compensating the consumers in case of unwanted delays or non deliveries of letters. (And for one thing because of the non confidence it will divert a lot of correspondence to the internet.
    Saving paper.)//

    What made you assume that government will try to improve the services ? what will compel it for that ? I guarantee worsening of the services cause there will be monopoly. Even if they don't deliver your letter you will still go to them. Why would they change ? Think from basic human psychology. I don't think increase of internet for messaging will increase due to this. whatever can be done online is already being done.

    //And truly the IPS suffers from what is called the last mile problem. Coz the facilities used to transport letter documents..etc inter region are shared by govt and postal companies alike in most cases. It is in this last mile ..that is the postman where reforms are needed. This can be done by attaching a postmans wage to the number of letters he delivers in a day. And there could be a minimum standard proposed depending on the area traffic.

    At the risk of overshooting with my mouth, govt could outsource the collection and distribution at major metros.//

    What is your basis for assuming that quality of services will increase. Why will it outsource ? it will increase the tariff if it finds it wants to make more profit or give cover for its inefficiencies. Remember there is no recourse for you whatevery IPS does(not does).

    //There are a host of things that can be proposed but how far they would be implemented is anyones guess. My point was that this scheme is not bad, if the government is serious. If they really wanted to rake in the moolahs this is a great opportunity. Infact why shud govt do the donkeys work of feeding the rural and unwanted regions and private players do all kind of masti and jazzy things in prosperous areas? If the govt is looking at this issue with this angle, I think it wud do well.//

    Tell me what is the role of government? running business or running country. Govt has job of ensuring education, health care, infrastructure and ofcourse attention to less developed areas. For this purpose it gets revenues through number of taxes. Just count the number of tax you pay.
    Even with the new law govt will charge for USO from every courier agency @10% of their turnover. So why again it wants monopoly ?

    //But ofcourse if this was done keeping in mind that they would get easy business, then its a lost cause. //
    I give you one example. We never get our telephone bill (BSNL) which is sent by post. We always go and get the duplicate bill. Our postman says that he throws the bill cause he does not want to bother with so many bills. He says that nothing will come out from complaining to post master cause he is more corrupt than him. I have written to post master/called him and even written to Hon'ble Minister of communication, Govt of India but nothing happened. Even today my mother had gone to get duplicate bill.

    And you think that govt has some good intention behind this. Read the bill and you will see govt has said that it wont allow postal service to come under Consumer protection act or under any law which can be used to seek relief in case of deficient services. This makes the intention of Govt very clear.

  • At 9:04 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Papiha - It has nothing to do with the party in power. This law was first proposed in 2002 when Congresss was not in power.

    Actually these laws are made by bureacrats. They suffer from the delusions of grandeur which they got from colonial rule. They dont want to lose power for their fraternity. So to restore power of the corrupt postal bureacratic fraternity these kind of laws are made.

  • At 7:12 AM, Blogger Y said…

    Satya, cool job done. he he. Cant argue any more,can I?? Indeed my arguement was laced with assumptions.

    But u know postal service is not that complicated a service. The clear service differentiator wud be the time taken. As against to say a telecom service provider or a public utility or a restraunt where the deffrentiators can be so many. My hypothesis was in India if the govt so wants it can be the best player easily(and sometimes it shows...believe me). And on top of that if it restricts private players theres no harm.

  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sher - Yeah if the government wants then it can improve. It can instill a system of checks and balances. It should bring in accountability.

    Sadly, thats not the motive of the present bill. The bill clearly says that postal deptt will not come under any law wihch can hold it accountable for any deficiecnt services.
    If you feel then please write to govt of India. Atleast it will give you satisfaction of doing your bit.

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger Twilight Fairy said…

    For one, most of the communication in so called "creamy sectors" already happens via e-mail/fax which the postal dept can't control.. the hit would be the ones who actually stick to old conventional ways of posting letters. It might actually be a good measure to make them savvier about technology :p! Beyond that, all banks, other public service institutions already have this "under postal services" deal or whatever to send out their mass letters like bank statements etc. So it already happens via post.

    Waise, had it been anything like the postii, things would have been nice actually :)

  • At 3:47 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    TF - Yeah, most of the communication in creamy sector does happens via email and such. But these are the communication between different entities of the same organisation. Otherwise the document communication is still valid. Even for any IT company in India, you will see thousands of letters exchanged everyday. Few things for example, passports after visa getting stamped, form 16, etc. They have to come in paper format. Now imagine sending the passport by India post ! But after this law I guess something will change.

    The 300gm limit is a huge limit. Credit card bills and phone bills come around 40gms or such. Anyway plain vanilla letters are still sent by post. Courier companies are engaged in 'fast' delivery methods only.

    Under postal service was invented by postal deptt to give relief for its deficient service. Once something is done 'Under postal service' then it means that letter has been posted and if it does not reaches you then you can't blame the sender. So it was post offices earning money for its deficient service. We will see more of these things once the bill is passed.

    Yeah they should learn from POSTI and Deustch Post(privatised in 2000) and owns DHL brand. Posti is so good that I wont used FedEx in lieu of it. I had to pay for mine this habit.
    Due to Finnish habit, I sent my driving licence to India with Posti after affixing .65 cents ticket. It never reached my home. Posti did whatever it could do for me. The last information they gave me was, it was handed to India post and no further information.

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Twilight Fairy said…

    Communication via mail also happens across organizations and more so at that! Everyone in the IT industry does that. Credit card statements, bank statements, phone bills - everything is online. Things like passport and all have never arrived via "courier". They always come via sarkari means - the registered post.

    Yes, the limit of 300 gms is a lot. But I am sure that in this desh of jugaad, there would be some means out of this situ too.

    BTW you need to get out of your Finnish habits else you would suffer major losses when you come back :).

  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    TF - Yeah phone bills, credit card bills and other utilities bills are coming by email, if only, they are not governmental agencies. But I guess they(g'tal) are changing too.

    But can they send 'Credit card' by India post? And passport after getting visa stamped from embassies come via courier. New passports come by India post due to govt cross selling.

    One "Jugaad" I can think of is putting some weight so that the gross weight becomes 301gms. :)

    Yeah I am trying to unwind my Finnish habits :P


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