It is quarter to 10 pm and I am gazing out from the window. I don’t know what I want to see or what I am seeing? The western sky is red, as if telling on the Sun while it disappears in the depths of the horizon. The thin line of Moon, above in the sky, is assuring me of the existence of Universe. I try to find the stars but it is bit early for stars to grace.
The gentle air coming from the window, which I opened for the first time in many months, smells of summer. I look at the front lawn of my building. The foliage of grass has yet to turn green. For the time being, just happy to be relieved of weight of snow. There are few bushes shoved in the moist soil for them to blossom in summer. I also notice new set of garden table and chairs being kept there. The indomitable human spirit to welcome summer after each winter makes me smile.
It is absolute silence. No sound of traffic, no clutter of leaves from the leafless trees and no chirping of birds. The beautiful wooden row houses, each with a car parked in front of them stands still. I start the music player in the laptop. The faint melancholic music fills in. It is soothing.
I feel the serenity permeating my existence and the ambience engulfing me. Inviting me to be part of them and be nothing. To silently hear everything, blindly see everything, and to accept everything without protesting.
At 12:59 AM,
educatedunemployed said…
Beautiful.Simply beautiful.
At 1:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I didn't know you could write literary classics too dude. *applause*
At 8:44 AM,
Freeze said…
Nicely written!
At 9:27 AM,
killer is i said…
really WOW ...
that was awesome ...
yr summer rocks, look at delhi's summer, it was 42 degree celcius yesterday, all dust, and HOT winds ... ewwwwww .. don't even wanna step outta home. In these kinda days i like only that music which makes me feel lil cool. hehe . Really u made me dream about that awesome weather.
At 12:09 PM,
Y said…
Who wrote that post?...This Satya, I never knew. Hello Newsatya. It feels nice and great knowing you :)
At 5:08 PM,
The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…
:-) can't claim to know you that well, but this post really had a different look-feel to your other posts! guess the summer in finland brings out the best in all, eh ? ;)
glad you're getting to enjoy some sun now. how long will it be that way?
At 10:10 PM,
greensatya said…
EU - Thanks :)
Pratyush - Literary classics !! that's beyond my capability. Thanks for liking it though :)
Freeze - Season has changed, your name now should be 'melt'. Thanks.
Killer - Yeah man 42C must be hot. Once I had to live in 50C plus summer. That was awful. Thanks for liking the post.
Sher - Haha, that such a good name 'newsatya'. Hope we will continue this 'knowing' session.
TGFI- Your name is so close to 'TGIF'. Yeah I guess it was summer effect. Summer here lasts for 3 months. The best part is white nights. I love to see Sun all the time. Though I guess it will be in June when we will have those 22 to 24 hours Sun.:)
At 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
The season has not changed here in India. Ummm, maybe it did. Whatever.
But if I were to be changing my name based on the changes in the season, right now, I would be "evaporate".
Or "evaporated", hmmm....
At 8:57 AM,
Abhinav said…
sounds like ur in paradise and iwas in Blore with yesetrday being the hottest day in the city :)
At 10:53 AM,
Koi Pahailee said…
beautifully put.
enjoy your existence
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very different post I must say, Mr. financial analyst :).
Very nicely written. Moreover I could identify with it completely.. Now having stayed in Finland could be one of the reasons too apart from your writing :).
At 9:37 PM,
greensatya said…
Melt - Having name based on seasons will save us the pain of finding out what season is there at your place. So I suggest do it.
Abhinav - Yeah it might be paradise in comaparison. But remember in Jan & Feb when I was reeling under Siberian winter with temp around -30C :D
Koi - thanks. But it is the existence which I wanted and not what I have.
TF - Haha, you remind me of my regular posts by that analyst insinuation. Thanks by the way. Do you miss Finland by the description? I bet you do.
Raghu - Thanks. Yeah in summer it is wonderful and in winter......
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
I always knew I would miss it, even before I went back. Description or no description.. I am pretty senti abt that place :p :).. (abt Tokyo too BTW)
At 9:15 PM,
Kavyaa said…
Hi Satya,
How r u doing?
It's been quite a while... but this post of urs was a real welcome treat and a pleasant surprise too!
Well well well, we certainly have a Wordsworth-of-Prose amongst us!
At 1:16 AM,
Koi Pahailee said…
//To silently hear everything, blindly see everything, and to accept everything without protesting. //
now i read the last paragraph
and aaawww...makes me sad too
never give up green bean...
thats the point...
dont let this crap devour you and make you part of itself
At 7:23 AM,
greensatya said…
TF - Yeah, anyone who has lived here will miss it. I just wanted to aggravate your missing by the descriptions :P And you have Tokyo as well to miss. Senti too.
Kavi - Hey, it's really been long. I am good, thanks. How about you ? How's your college ? Or shall I hear next year ? Wordsworth of prose !!! haha, I would be too happy for you to take this honour :)
Koi - Yeah Koi. Who can escape and escape from what ? One day nature is going to devour all of us.
At 8:09 AM,
Akanksha said…
i find myself wishin fr the all encompassing peace...................
At 11:16 AM,
Raj said…
Great peice of writing! :)
At 11:12 PM,
greensatya said…
A'sha - Thanks for the wish
Raj - Thanks :)
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
can the Oldsatya now get back with some of his trademark posts and soon?
Its me..sher from Jalandhar
At 12:39 AM,
Koi Pahailee said…
Kia hua?
if you have run out of topics, here are a few suggestions:
- Tony Blairs downfall cuz of someone's secretary and NHS scam and of course the ppl who should have been deported
- the dying dead sea
- the global warming signalling ice age in Europe in next 10 years
-the policitcs and games involved in 'coach-hunt' for England
-The pros and cons of attacking Iran
-Da Vinci Code
come on
At 10:12 PM,
greensatya said…
Sher - Yeah I am back.
Koi - That was so sweet of you. I really appreciate your helping me with topics. I had actually hit the blogger's block. Thanks for the support.
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