My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Messaging courtesy

The past few years has seen revolutionary penetration of broadband. Today most of us have high speed internet access. This has brought about radical changes in the way we communicate and is often called the ‘new age’ communication methods. No one would disagree with the above assessment. But there is more to it.

Has this ‘new age’ of communication also changed the basic courtesy involved? To me it hasn’t, others may disagree. I have tried to collate the basic courtesies of communication to this ‘new age’ way. I am not talking about emails but about those online messengers or Instant messengers (IMs) or chat applications. Most of the people these days are courteous on emails but are they on instant messaging (IMs)? I don’t think so.

1. One should not leave the ‘chat’ midway without explicitly telling so. More than anything else it shows ‘contempt’ towards the other person. It does not require much of effort to tell that you have to leave the chat. Well, there could be other unavoidable reasons. The net might disconnect, power switched off, computer crashed, etc. Even then one could pass a message, saying something happened for that abrupt termination after coming online again.

2. It irritates the other person if he/she gets the reply after a long delay, each time. The other person might be waiting and waiting. Thought one should not do ‘multi tasking’ while instant messaging, it is courteous to mention that you are doing some other work alongside, and would be slow in replying. And “my typing speed is less” is a lame excuse.

3. Many times people just leave some important message as offline communication. They unilaterally assume that everyone checks their instant messenger just every day. This is not always the case. Email should be used for important messages.

4. I think it is courteous to ask before chatting whether the person is free to chat? Don’t we do it when we call someone? So why not in IMs? An online status does not always mean ‘free to chat’ status (unless the person is close one). Related to this: one should use those status messages which say ‘busy’ or ‘away’, etc.

5. This is more with those internet instant messengers. Now days almost all have the ‘call’ functionality. However again, one should always ask before calling. The other person might not be in a convenient moment to talk.

6. The modern ‘text message lingo’ or ‘cool English’ (as they say), should be used only if both the parties are comfortable with it.

7. Instant messengers should not be used for playing ‘mind games’.

8. Instant messengers have a limitation in the sense that your body language is not evident. So one should take care, lest messages might be interpreted just the opposite.

9. As with any written communication, chat transcripts are also documents. So take care.

10. If you are messaging someone unknown, then please identify yourself at the onset.

11. If you send an email for asking someone to come online and chat, it would be highly helpful if you mention in a line what will be the agenda of chat?

12. Use the word processing tools available for clarity in communication like bold, italics, etc.

13. It is inherently assumed that there are only two people in an instant messaging session. If there are more than this then please explicitly mention it.

14. Please take care of time zones.

15. Please respect status messages such as 'busy', 'away', 'on call', etc (suggested by Ipanema girl)

I can’t think of any more, if any of you can, then please add in the comments. I will update the post.

Since ‘instant messaging’ is so difficult, so by now it would have been fairly clear that I don’t do it.


  • At 12:45 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    awesome post! you touched a real raw nerve there and i think you covered all the points. the sad part is, the ones that i wish read this won't really read it.
    i used to be big on IM-ing when I landed in the US, just because it was a great way of keeping in touch with my friends back home, without spending $$. Now, after constant misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and manerless encounters like people not telling you when they're signing off, i just stopped using it.

    Ah, here's another rule" if someone's status is busy or away, don't keep pinging them. and if they're not answering in the first place, then shut up and go away.

    heheeh i told you, you touched a nerve there. :-)

  • At 4:37 AM, Blogger sereneannabelle said…

    haha...the last option for the time zone thing is so accurate. It's easy for me to think Aussie - it's only 2 hours ahead. Sometimes I just cannot decide what's the time zone diff from UK, so sometimes my friend can be quite upset for missing my IM while i'll be wondering why she did not reply.

    the bottom line of using IM is: cultivate patience and dun expect much from it. After all, sincerity is more than just IM-ing your friend - it's about IM-ing to meet up or talk. =)

  • At 7:20 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    Some of the points u mentioned here are absolutely correct.

    But the rules vary depending on who you are chatting with (a friend or a colleague) and how often u guys chat.

    Points 3,4,5,8,9,10,11,13 and 14 are all amzingly true. I have no idea what the term "mind games" in point 7 means :)

    Abt point 1 - Sometimes if both the people are in office, its difficult to tell when u might get busy and u just need to have an understanding with the person u r chatting with. And i dont think someone actually wouldnt give a reason when they return.

    2 - Sometimes the network can be slow and messages reach the other person in spurts. And again, if u r in office then multitasking is unaviodable.

    6 - Unless its an official chat, i dont see any problems. Nobody wud use the lingo that the other person doesnt understand. Cos then they will have to explain what they said and it wud be painful.

    12 - Its better said that done. Its all an overhead and people avoid using those features.

  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    Amazing post.This is post of this age's problem and at the same time solutions too.
    But I have noticed that IM-ing has become so common ,that some time people just ignore it,thinking it might not be so important.I hate that!

  • At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good points.

    I no longer use IM either, but due to a different reason - I found that when you start having too many contacts on IM, someone will always want to talk with you. That way you end up spending the better part of the day on IM, not to mention the interruptions created by the messages. And if you spend most of your day in an "offline" state, what's the point of the whole system anymore?

  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger pradman said…

    I think it is courteous to ask before chatting whether the person is free to chat?

    Amen... Boy! Have I been suffering from this or what...

    Very relevant post indeed.

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Ipanema - Thanks. All the comments have surprised me. I thought after reading this post, people will declare me as 'puritan' and too demanding. But I am overwhelmed with the fact that most of us feels the same. Even I was big time on IMs some 3 or 4 years ago not anymore due to these reasons.

    The worst is people signing off without saying so. This is total CONTEMPT. You have put a good point, I will update the post.

    Serendipity - Cute name :) You have underlined the core part. IMs can never subsititute meeting in person.

    And Aussie time zone, I have never been able to reach someone in Australia during their day time from Finland :(

    Raj - Yeah for close one's the rules can vary only to some extent, that too only cause we take the other person for granted in those cases.

    Point 1 is the most important one to be followed. Suppose someone calls you in office and you get busy so what you do ? Do you simply hang up? or you say that you have to hang up ? why not in IM? It takes couple of words to say that you are hanging .

    In office, multi tasking is unavoidable. I totally agree. So one could atleast inform that he/she is multitasking and will be slow. And best is it to avoid personal chats from office.

    Point 6. For official chats one can use 'jargons' like 'OTD, T&M', others won't understand. But what I meant was the 'cool English' like ' h r u, wtng 4 u, cntct me'. This kind of English totally makes me puke

    I agree with you on 12. But with those it helps but it is more true for official chats.

    And 'mind games', if you don't know then you don't do it:) This is good. But I give you the literal meaning from

    mind game
    An act or series of acts of calculated psychological manipulation, especially in order to confuse or intimidate. Often used in the plural.
    An activity that provides entertainment and challenges the intellect.

    Sharda - Thanks, yeah these days people just dont care about the basic courtesies of IM.

    Sim - Thanks, yeah your point is good one. In my opinion IMs should be used just like telephone for important and short communications.

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Scipio - Thanks, man :) I am amazed to the number of poor souls suffering out there. Accept my sympathies :)

  • At 12:47 PM, Blogger Y said…

    Not a big fan of IMs and all; And had Larry and Sergey not added gtalk by default in gmail and forced me to use it , I would have long forgotten that IMs existed.

    Anyway Satya cant help but feel that I practice none of the virtues you propose. Infact, everytime I end my IM session with you by logging out abruptly without informing you. And I tell myself that you would imagine that probably there was an electricity cut or my comp hanged or my ISP just played bonkers.

  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sher - Hehe, your conscience is pricking you :P

    And I have found a way. If you scroll down in Gmail, there is an option "Standard Gmail without Chat". So I clicked on that and now no IM in Gmail :). I have selected that option.

  • At 2:42 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I always thought IM's were a very informal way of communication between buddies rather than mere acquaintances.While it is nice to maintian courtesies and manners,I doubt it is a place for much formality.For that, there is email, phone, fax and of course letters.
    I agee with TGFI, that a lot of misunderstandings can be caused and are done so very easily, but then that isnt the only channel of communication and where important and necessary, one can always pick up the phone and have a real conversation.
    If we lived all our life in a politically correct way, when are we going to let our hair down?Really if this bothers people so much, they shouldn't even be on chat.Like you have disabled your gtalk.

  • At 6:44 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    Very good post... totally agree with points no. 1 and 2. It is very irritating to wait for reply esp when the conversation is started by the other person.
    Point 12 is not for me coz i use

    IM for informal chats for everything else we have e-mails.

    Time Zones -- nice point man .. wish my frens remember that..

  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - You have a valid point but let me dwell on it. How is IM different than any other mode of communication ? even from personal chat ? It is just the mode which is different.

    If you are talking to your friend in real life and suddenly the friend turns away and goes ? or your friend sees someone else and suddenly ignores you? without even saying so ? Will these be excused ? If you don't mind this then, true, IMs should have no courtesy. But in real life people do mind these, even in closest friendship and so for IM.

    Abhinav - Thanks man. Yeah I guess it is refreshing to communicate with IMs if everything goes well :)

  • At 10:02 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I understand your analogy with life and that IM's should also come with a certain decorum attached to it.I also get the point of sudden cutting off of conversation.See when on the phone,or in person, one usually doesn't just walk away, or bang the phone down.One cannot.There has to be some explanation given before that act.While IM's provides a platform for such incredible behaviour.Hence it isn't a medium for serious conversation.It is medium of communication I agree, not necessarily a conversation.If you know what I am saying.I am not trying to refute your idea.I just don't think that IM's should be given so much importance.And really if one doesn't have the time to get into chat, then just sign off.That is always an option.Don't you think?

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Yeah, I agree, IMs does give you a platform for eccentric behaviour(s).

    It all boils down to personal preferences. I have had people doing the IM sort of thing in real life. All those times, it proved to be the last conversation. So same in IM, if one can go with the manners of non-serious conversation then IMs are good.

    Option is always there, I totally agree.

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    know what

    chat is all I do...
    all day..even with my husband
    for me, it has become like the promary mode of contact with it the person sitting next to me or the person in another time zone on another continent...
    We have an office chatting software that we use to communicate for small talks...the trend in england is that ppl dont like to be approached on their desks for a bit of query, so you drop a msg on the chatting it helps to stay in touch with all the office contacts spread around the country and globe...and its considered professional...
    so guess what, my husband is in the same office and he sits late a lot, so we talk on this software all the time in office (cuz we have to talk anyways but since we are married, we cant behave like a couple in office, we chat secretly)...and this mode of communication covers most part of the day ..
    I chat with all my friends on msn all day long and I chat with my parents on weekends...
    (PS I think, my posts are shrinking and my comments are greenbean, is there a rule on this too:))

  • At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another good post Satya. Haven't had the time to read earlier recent posts but each post I have read has been good.

    On IM convos - A good rule would be - if some thing can be conveyed by email, don't use chat for it.

    You mentioned asking people if they are free to chat. It is always necessary as is putting your busy, away message if you don't want to enter into long chats.

    Ideally, you should not IM a person who has a busy or away sign. Only 'urgent' messages should be delivered then. Important ones shouldn't as you mention and they should be mailed.

  • At 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You have made this into a proper office style conversation. At least I chat with friends and why the hell should I be so freaking fomral with them?

    Setting the agenda? How about sending them an advance copy of the same?


  • At 5:59 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    came here from desipundit! :-) cool!!!!

    i don't think it's about being formal. yes, we chat with friends, and some liberties can be taken. but would it be acceptable to hang up abruptly while talking on the phone with a friend, or if a friend says, "hey, i'll call you back" to refuse to hang up and keep talking? or to be busy cleaning your kitchen while your friend is talking and not pay attention to what he's saying?

    i think the needs for "rules" has come about because it's easy for people to forget basic etiquette because IM allows one to do that.

  • At 6:02 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    sorry i just re-stated some of satya's replies from earlier. :p

  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Koi - Hey, long time no see. I didn't mean in anyway to insinuate that IMs should not be used. I just advocated few basic courtesies for it. And not all are for all situations. The norms, I agree, could be far different when chatting with 'signficant other/spouse'.
    so greenbean, is there a rule on this too:)

    You make me feel bad for writing this post.

    Pratyush - Guess you are free after FIFA cup, or is it still going on ? I totally agree with whatever you have said about the norms.

    Thanks for putting this on Desipundit.

    Confused - Hey no, I didn't mean that. All the points have delineated are not for all situations. Of course when we chat with our friends, we don't need to send an agenda.
    But in more formal situations, we do fix an appointment over IMs to talk about something specific. It was for those ocassions.
    I am not advocating against IMs. Sorry for creating the confusion though.

    Ipanema Girl - Yeah, Pratyush above got this put up in DesiPundit.

    Actually you didn't restated but you explained it quite well. I can see why you get such good feedbacks from your students :)

    Yeah that's the basic difference with IM, it allows one to take liberties.

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    Never meant to make you feel bad
    in absence.
    The reason of why you felt that I was trying to make you feel bad ...Its all explained in Point 8 of your msg...

    see thats why i smiled like this :)
    so you know I was just pulling your leg :P and just kidding :):):)
    a colon and a bracket mean so much these days...dont they :)

  • At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very nice. Very good and valid points. Maybe we sholud have something on blog etiquette too.

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The semis were over a couple of days back. Finals now on Sunday. Maybe you should turn to the sports page at least once in 3-4 days. Wouldn't do much harm you know. ;)

  • At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After all, a newspaper is incomplete without the sports section. :P

  • At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And do not over use the "Buzz" thing (Ctrl+G on Y! Messenger). It's rude!

  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Koi - Conceded :) It was a good way of explaining point 8 :)

    Pratyush - Haha, I was indeed watching the FIFA matches, until Argentina lost :) I agree with the importance of sports section.

    Elizabeth - Yeah that's also true. Unnecessary usage of 'Buzz'should be avoided.

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My pet peeve is when people disappear on you and come back later sayin "someone was in my cube".....hell...don't chat if you're not supposed to!!!

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous - It is true, that is 'so' irritating.

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Hiren - Oops, I missed replying to you earlier. My bad, apologies.

    Yeah we should have something about blog etiquette. I hope you do a post on it :)

  • At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How abt the "OO" thingy? so taht the other person knows for sure that the conversation has ended. otherwise it keeps getting tagged on..

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Twilight - Jep, the 'OO' thing is equally good. It gives total indication of the end of conversation.


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