My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Friday, September 15, 2006

It's all in our mind

Ever been in such condition, when you think about something, and next instant you get the totally opposite feelings. Like something happens and you are happy, the next moment it proves to be the worse thing to happen to you. I guess we all have such moments. Why it happens? May be we assume things rather too quickly or, be happy or sad a bit too early.

In retrospect, this all sounds kind of assuming. Something happens and we mould it or assume it, according to our wish. It turns out to be something different, yet our human nature does not allow accepting it that easily. We try to do something, tweak something here and there, so that the outcome is what we want. Are we successful? No, but the whole affair becomes messy and things get more complex. I guess that’s the time to stop influencing things and let them take their own course. That’s the time to accept the power of destiny and let it rule.

According to me, the best way to keep away from such quagmires is to stop putting feelings. It’s all in our mind and our craving for things to happen in the way we want. Can we not stop doing it? Nothing new, Buddhism and others said it ages ago. The only risk involved is becoming cynic and mechanical in life. May be we should wait before being happy/sad about something or before assuming things are working/not working the way we want.

Sometimes it is also best to do nothing and allow things to take their own course. I guess, I am not making much sense, but it's my time to relax.


  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I agree it is time you relaxed, let your hair down and had a little party.

    we all go through these times, when we want some thing so bad, we stop seeing reason and go all out for it.Harder we try, more difficult it gets for us to get what we were trying to get/achieve.We then mess about, and it only gets worse.

    Rightly put,sit back and enjoy the ride.

    I should stop here before I re-write your post.

  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    Happens with me all the time ... one moment i am overjoyed and the next moment is full of apprehensions .. i guess thats human.

    I agree let things take its own course.

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    I totally agree.

    Sometimes its best to just let things take their own course. Of coursem its easier sad than done.

    In reality, everyone tries their best to ensure that things happen exactly the way they want.

    And then there are times when we later realise that what happened was far better for us than the way we wanted it to happen.

  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Yeah, relaxing is what I am doing and seeing things unfurl. They might go wrong or as per desire but I have to accept any. That totally stress free life sounds like a mirage, ain't it?

    Abhinav - That's why I am thinking, we should not be happy at something in the first instant, who knows how it turns out?

    Raj - Yeah, it is best and easy to accept the outcome when things take their own course.

  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    Satya, we get happy on our achievements or hard work .. sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail .. but it is not good to be only happy when we have achieved full success and we should supress ourselves on partial success thinking it might not turn out as what we want.
    Agreed, all things do not turn out to be according to our plans .. but we should postpone the happiness ... infact i had written a post on this few months back but never got chance to publish it.

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger Sharda said…

    But you know human mind,things cant be left just to happen in its own course.we become restless.It is hard very hard indeed.

  • At 9:14 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Abhinav - You are correct, but that's not the point. If one is walking on a path, putting in some effort then irrespective of outcome it is good work done. But I was thinking of some event, like someone getting promoted, getting transferred, some event which might appear to be something good and later turn out to be bad.

    Sharda - Yeah, that's the fallacy of human mind. And we pay the price of it.

    Appu - You have summed it up brilliantly. EU's word helped though. If only we can take things without assumption.

  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    le sigh. i think we should allow for some disappointments in life. easier said than done, i know.
    hope the weekend treated u well. :-)

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger pradman said…

    looks like you are sort of emotional charged right now (coz of leaving Finland perhaps?)
    I don't know if you are happy or sad but I am sure that it will soon tide over...

  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    its the question satya ... its the question which drives you ...

    follow the white rabbit

  • At 5:43 PM, Blogger Y said…

    Whats happening, havent read a trademark Greensatya post for a long time.

  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Ipanema girl - Yeah disppointments are always there, even without wishing for them :)

    Scipio - Not cause of leaving Finland. Yeah they will get over in few days.

    Mowgli - All for the eluding answer.

    Sher - Haha, didnt know there was a trademark 'Greensatya' post. :)

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger P said…

    And relax you must.


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