Computer problems
For the past few days, my blogging frequency has decreased. Weird problems with my computer were one of the reasons. The thing I most hate is any kind of aberration in my computer, it totally disrupts my routine. Usually any computer problem seems weird and leaves me at my wits end; still I feel I always have the weirdest problems when it comes to ‘my’ computer.
Once I remember, the whole display of my office computer went upside down, a perfect 180 degree. There is no way it can happen with any available settings. The systems people, when they saw it, termed it as the issue of the year and laughed for good amount of time. They later formatted the system and installed the Windows again.
If it is a hardware issue (which itself is an issue to determine), at least the manufacturer warranty covers it. It is that software or operating system issue, which leaves me completely helpless. Thanks to those myriad discussion forums on internet, you can post your issues and someone will help you. But my issues have often proved to be a tough nut to crack, even for them.
The latest issue I had was one of such kind. After booting, things would run fine for just few minutes and after that, there would no sound device, no networking installed or configured and God knows what else! I kept on restarting, for the computer to work fine only for few minutes. Even the IP address would become I perused many discussion forums, posted my querry and did whatever I could. One suggestion I got said the mother board of my laptop has gone corrupt! After using information from many forums, I could at least solve half of the jigsaw puzzle. I found where my sound device suddenly goes after few minutes of restart? The services corresponding to sound, networking and DHCP (?) would stop by itself. When I manually started them, all of these started to work fine. But the question, why they stop automatically or what stops them automatically is still unsolved? I have not restarted my computer since then; I just keep it in ‘stand-by’ or ‘hibernate’ mode. It will again take a full day to find out the answer.
I know people say that Windows is not the best available thing, MAC notebooks are better or Linux is better operating system. But trust me, for a normal computer literate person like me, Windows is the most convenient one. You got to hand it to Gates; it was not his technical skill but his marketing skill which made him the richest man. So even with the deficiencies or loop-holes, Windows has the ease of use. It does give me issues from time to time, but what thing does not?
I hope to find the resolution for the latest issues very soon.
At 10:58 PM, Sharda said…
It is just a matter of getting use to some thing.Other wise it is true that Linux is more easy to operate and handle.
At 8:28 AM, Neihal said…
I have a hisory wierd computer problems...But Satya you still win hands down when the degree of wierdness is in question...."Once I remember, the whole display of my office computer went upside down, a perfect 180 degree."...LOL...ok, I shouldnt be laughing....
and this whole linux vs window...I agree with you. Its easier said then done.
Hope you sort out the problems soon :)
At 10:09 AM, greensatya said…
Sharda - May be it is matter of getting used. But what I know, just to read a CD in Linux, you need to follow 4 steps.
Neihal - Yeah that was too weird a problem. I hope to do some more Google, post at some more discussion boards and resolve it. :)
At 12:10 PM, Anonymous said…
It could be a software that you recently downloaded (or even a virus) which makes those changes in the services.
Once you are on the internet, brace urself for such problems. That's one of the reasons why I avoided taking a net connection at home for this long.. There's too much jhanjhat all the time.
At 12:33 PM, Anonymous said…
You need a new pc! :P
At 1:14 PM, Shruti said…
hi dear,
well im an entreprenaur..not a computer specialist so cant help you..
but hope you find the solution fast..
good luck dear..
At 2:44 PM, greensatya said…
Twilight Fairy - Well, that's also one of the possiblities. I have not installed anything recently and I have pretty safe internet habits. Still viruses are all powerful.
I have latest anti virus(Mcafee) which gets updated everyday. Will have to run 'hijack'for the registry details.
Heather - Hehe, yeah, my present computer is a month shy of two year mark. My next laptop should be Thinkpad as well :)
Shruti - Thanks for the wish. Will do a post, if I am able to resolve it.
At 3:05 PM, Raj said…
I totally agree woth you that even though Windows is buggy and poses problems at times, it is the easiest to use. Its probably becasue we are used to it. I tried working on Linux for a month once but its just too complicated.
At 7:39 AM, Abhinav said…
check for virus .. and hey linux is not that tough as it used to be few years back... have u considered of changing ur comp i guess this is ur 2nd post regarding comp problem
At 10:56 AM, greensatya said…
Raj - Yeah, Windows is the easiest to use, no matter what.
Abhinav - Last time it was some issue with 'motherboard'. This time it is software problem. Can't buy a new laptop so soon. The warranty by IBM is till Nov, 2007.
At 12:43 AM, Unknown said…
LOL. oops sorry. LOL! :-)
you need a new PC indeed! and macs are also user-friendly. like others said, you just need to start getting used to them
At 1:19 PM, greensatya said…
Ipanema girl - Yeah I will get a new computer very soon. When I go to India, I will return this laptop.
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