My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Monday, July 31, 2006

Can 'sympathy' be selective ?

As the heart wrenching scene of life less bodies of children being taken out of rubbles of Qana, a village in Lebanon, were beamed by television channels, the whole world was outraged. These graphic pictures were too disturbing, and evoked strong sense of compassion and sympathy for the innocent civilians being killed in Lebanon. The basement of the four storey building, where these civilians were taking shelter becomes the unfortunate target of Israeli air attacks. More than 50 souls, mostly woman and children were the innocent victims. World wide condemnation followed, forcing Israel to announce 48 hours cessation of air attacks. Israel expressed deep sorrow for this tragic incident, but nothing seems to be enough.

Sympathy is an emotion that binds the suffering of one person with the society, country and whole world. The genesis of this cognitive feeling lies in the knowledge of the suffering.

I am not trying to rationalize the killing of children. No logic, religion, ideology or country can rationalize it, so I won’t even attempt. My only question is, Why selective sympathy?

What was the fault of the old lady in Haifa, when a Katyusha rocket hit the coffee cup she was holding and killed her?

Why no sympathy for those 19 year old kids, serving in the border outpost of Israel, who were ambushed and killed by Hezbollah? They were like youngsters anywhere in the world, probably thinking of their studies after their military service. Why no sympathy for those two, still in the captivity of brutal 'Hezbollah'?

Just because no images are beamed, no military analyst is covering the incident, no graphic images are displayed, no minute by minute commentary, are their suffering less?

Thousand of people are forced to live in underground bunkers in Northern Israel to save themselves from the barrage of Katyusha rockets. What is their fault?

Who started this conflict?

Israel has released images taken from aircrafts and infrared cameras, showing rockets fired from neighborhoods, where refugees are sheltered. Hezbollah is using civilians as human shields. Now they should share the blame for this civilian tragedy. Sheikh Nasrallah, the coward he is, can shout at the top of his voice from his secret hiding place. Why do not he and his terrorist brethren engage in proper war and not sacrifice these innocent civilians?

No one likes to see those gory pictures every morning, but no one should forget those innocent who are killed everyday in these terrorist attacks. People who would not even seen a gun in their life have their guts and brain splattered, who just try to make their ends meet have their life snatched away.

I am not speaking for Israel, but for these victims. Israel should not stop till every single of these terrorists are removed from the face of the Earth.


  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    yes it is very sad to know about all these and then watch it on T.V.Still there is one thing which I am not able to figure it out is that the magazines making money from publishing those gruesome images.The national Geographic magazine makes me so sad that I have canceled the subscription.I don't have that strong heart to face those images.

  • At 5:12 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    the graphic images are so disturbing indeed. but then, it is also sadly, the stark reality.

    satya, clearly, continued attacks is not the best answer. where does it end?

  • At 7:34 AM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    its a sad reality of a war ... nobody has ever gained from any conflict .. the only outcome of war is innocent ppl losing their lives.

  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Sharda - Oh yeah, sad that few do 'yellow' journalism. I didn't know about National Geographic Magazine. The mainstream media like NBC, CNN, etc are much more mature in their coverage.

    Ipanema girl - Continued attack is not the answer, more than anything, it is whipping up passion. But there is no other way with these terrorist. They don't value any societal and human values, ethics and neither can one trust them with regards to treaties or negotiations. They have to be taken out. This malaise is spreading fast across the world.

    Abhinav - But war is a necessity for peace. What other options do we have with these terrorists?

  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    Such an incident always invokes a saddened response and no it is never the fault of the victim.
    I agree what has happened is happening and will continue to happen, is sad and wrong and we don't have a solution.Even if we found one, it wouldn't be implemented.
    What bothers me, is there a desired effect of all the atrocities? And people die in far greater numbers for preventable reasons and we really do nothing about it.
    I feel bad to see bomb blasts wars et al, I feel worse when I know far greater number of people die due to lack of food water and 2 cents worth medication.
    Call it misplaced emotions, but I do think we need to start at basics.

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Twisted DNA said…

    "I am not speaking for Israel, but for these victims. Israel should not stop till every single of these terrorists are removed from the face of the Earth."

    I agree with the intention that terrorists must be eradicated. But I don't think Israel is using the right means

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger P said…

    Sympathies can never really be selective. It is terrible when innocent civilians are dragged into already meaningless wars, but its much sadder still when you see the children affected.
    terrorism and wars seem the most obvious but there are endless crimes happening everyday is some form or the other that we need to adress as well!

  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Yeah, there are far greater number of people dying than from these 'war' and terrorirst attacks. We have few organisations and countries doing something for them. You would have heard about the effort of Irish Rock star of U2 Band 'Bono' working in Afric and also Gates foundation.

    But terrorism alone has the potential to undo all these achievements. So it deserves to be removed.

    Twisted DNA - The perception that Israel miscalculate the war is increasing and seems to be on the money. If not miscalculation, Israeli war plans have definitely gone awry with incidents like Qana. Few people do think that high handedness of Israel has led to this terrorism.

    Perspective Inc- Sympathies can't be selective but one has to know about the sufferings. In the high voltage coverage of war sufferings, what I feel is, people who suffer from daily acts of terrorism are overlooked. What I wish is that this whole war is analysed from the perspective.

  • At 6:29 PM, Blogger Raj said…

    Hey, belated happy birthday. Just got to know abt it from EU's comment.

    And the company I work for is in the best brands list too (not in he top 20 tho) :)

    Abt thispost, all i can say is that terrorism must end.

  • At 7:53 PM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I wasn't saying that terrorsim isn't a problem we need to tackle.It is the 2 minutes of silence for those dead, or similar such 'drama' for want of a better word, that irritates me.I dont think we should stop and mourn, but actually do some thing about it.

  • At 9:29 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Raj - Hey you reached Germany?
    Thanks for the wish. Your company is in top list!! congrats man. Yeah terrorism must end.

    EU- Oh yeah, add the 'spirit' thing to the list. If nothing else 'spirit' is actually apathy to those who lost their life


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