My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Battle for Europe


Someone in the local expat forum, pointed to this documentary from BBC. It is an excellent documentary about the debate in European Union between Anglo-Saxon and Franco-German reforms. I guess the real issue is about the rebate that Britain gets in its payment to EU, which it negotiated in 1984. The rebate is to the tune of 5.2 bn Euros. France and the new member states from Eastern Europe want this rebate to be abolished. France and Italy pay more than half of this rebate and new member states say that Britain is not as poor as it was in 1984.

The crux of the issue is EU budgetary support to agriculture, which leaves Britain as net contributor while Greece, Spain and Portugal net gainer. The disadvantage of Britain can be mitigated if this allocation is reduced, which now is 30 bn Pounds amounting to 40% of EU’s budget.

The negotiations are going on between EU member states on this issue and this documentary is more about reduction in subsidies for agricultures. There were few interesting things in this documentary.

Christine Lagarde, the French trade minister, bluntly said that Tony Blair is talking about reform as it is fashionable and he is looking for scapegoat. She vehemently wants to preserve the 248 kinds of cheese that France produces, something which it’s then Prime Minister Charles De Gaulle, referred to emphasize diversity in France.

One of the woolen mills in Bradford, UK which got shut down due to market forces has changed itself to producing hi-tech goods. It is manufacturing satellite television equipments.

France is the most subsidy driven economy in the developed world. French labour law requires a person to work for only 35 hours a week.

Volkswagen workers in Germany work for only 28 hours a week, and are in top most brackets of wage.

The documentary refers to Finnish model (rather Nordic model) as the alternative to Anglo-Saxon and Franco-German model.

There was discussion with ex PM of Finland Esko Aho. He had to lose his job as PM, in the subsequent election, after he started the reforms to pull Finland out of the great depression of 1990. Speaking on this he said “In politics there are many reason to lose, this was one of the good reason”.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

My article in newspaper of India

Today Indian Express carried my article. Though I can’t get the newspaper here, but I saw my article in ‘e-paper’ format. The article is also available in the online edition of the newspaper at this link. The article is about the recent changes in Indian taxation, one aspect of which I totally feel should not have been introduced and I contest it. The article in hard copy of newspaper also carries a picture of our Finance Minister with my suggestion written in bold letters for doing away this aspect of the new tax. I wish he accepts it.

These days in India when most of the national dailies are trying very hard to transform themselves in a tabloid, Indian Express remains the most respected newspaper for me. It has the best collection of columnists, experts and incidentally it was the first newspaper which I read when I started to read them.


This is the update to my yesterday’s post about ruined day, but it didn’t quiet end the way it start.

It had a wonderful ending, which started by my trip to customs office. My friend had sent me two books which were rather heavy and it got landed in customs office instead of usual ‘Posti’. I had never visited the customs office before, and colleagues told me it was on the outskirts of city. Just when I was thinking how to go there, my colleague offered me a ride in her car, and I was more than happy to accept it. I met her husband who was waiting on her at our office. He is a smart Finnish man and I had a nice interaction with him. He had an equally good car with ‘all digital’ dashboard and dumb me, I didn’t notice what brand the car was? The ride was good, seeing the city getting covered under the heavy but beautiful snowfall was pleasant. She also helped me once we got inside customs office. A big thanks to you, you know who you are, and do tell me the brand of your car :)

In the evening we had the ‘pre-Christmas’ party at office which is also known as ‘pikku joulu’ party in Finnish. Later I discovered that almost all the corporates in Finland had the party yesterday.Party was good, I enjoyed a lot and I did many things which I don’t remember now. Funny things had to happen and we ran into one of the client’s top manager in the night club. We have never met but we know each other. When he saw us at the nightclub, he knew that it was us and he had to introduce himself twice to make us understand. Definitely not the place and not the situation for the meeting but I think no one expects you to be sober in a nightclub on a weekend.

I came back to my apartment in the wee hours of today and that’s how the day ended.

Friday, November 25, 2005


The worse feeling is that of being disorganised, and it becomes worst when you feel it at the start of the day. I am feeling the same today but can’t do much. You can make everything okay only when the control is with you. I don’t have control over few of the things which have messed my day.

This whole thing started in morning when I suddenly started to hear the sound of a drill machine. I found it coming down from my neighbor’s apartment in the first floor. Of all the noises in this world, one I dislike most is that of drill machine, it literally makes me go mad. When you live in Finland, you get so much used to the quietness that normal noises may seem irritating, and this was a 'drill machine'. I didn’t want to be a gadfly for my neighbors so asking them to stop it was out of question. They were doing it during the day time and it is perfectly legal. I was wrong on the other hand to be at home after 8 am and not in office. So I rushed back to office as soon as I can, just to escape that maddening sound. But the damage has been done, the uneasiness in my head will linger till the evening, ruining the whole day for me.

There are few other things as well, which I am sure happens with most us.For example you search a name in directory, you will get all other names and not the one you are looking for. Try doing it other day for some other name and you will see that this time the previous name came by quite easily and the one you are looking is again difficult find. I can’t remember other instances but there are many more. I guess this is Murphy’s Law –‘if something has to go wrong, it will go wrong’.

Whatever I am feeling quite disorganised now.

P.S – Nothing related to the ‘organizized’ of movie ‘Taxi Driver’, which incidentally is one of my favourite movies.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


‘Deadline’ – damn this word is hot and so cool! You know there is a strange pleasure or shall I say masochism in meeting any deadline by slogging. But what to do when there is ample time to meet the deadline? You can still get that ecstasy of meeting the deadline, don’t start your work weeks before, rather start working in the 11th hour and meet the deadline. The ability to turn anything and everything into crisis is not what everyone can do, it requires special skills. It is something like you want to win a battle but if there is no battle then what to do? Yeah start a battle, and then win it, simple eh?

So, all this slogging and crisis management will have its climax in that ‘special room’, where the wallpaper of your laptop is for everyone to see on the white board. This is why my wallpaper is of the street opposite the local library, smart move, what you say? In this room you can also subject yourself to projectiles of those high sounding ‘words’. Well it is funny to hear those words, and I always admire how they can always pull you out of any tight situation.
For example-

Question - Isn’t it the same thing which you did last quarter?
Answer - No, not really, last time it was top-down approach and this time we are going to do it bottom-up

Now see this one –

Question – Isn’t it expensive to go for this solution?
Answer- Well the cost upfront is definitely more than market price but the 'Total Cost of Ownership' will come out to be far less

I can think of one more
Question – We have already paid so much for the initial solution and this new cost on the top of it?
Answer – You have got the value for the price you paid last time, and the price you are paying now, is for unlocking the potential of what you paid earlier.

Now see the power of sentences like this

This solution is in line with your ‘strategic’ growth while all the time working with ‘tactical’ plan to integrate the dynamic nature of market, having a collaborative approach with all the stakeholders, and consensus with the other functional departments to come out with a process which reflects the true value of the solution in modeling the enterprise.

Everyone will run for coffee and you have just won the battle!!

Friday, November 18, 2005



Intuition, Merriam Webster defines it as “the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference” I was pondering on this topic after analyzing some of the past events in my life. I now believe that ‘intuition’ is the most powerful faculty that all of us have. Our intuition is never wrong and if one follows it, one can always see through things.

We all know that it takes least effort to open a door if we push or pull farthest from the hinges, or a triangular structure is most rigid one, as evident from the trusses. Of course both of these can be proved by laws of mechanics but we didn’t solve any equations to come to above logic. Our intuition is what gives us ideas like this. Do you remember some incident when something inside you was asking to act otherwise to what you did, and ultimately your inner voice was proved correct? Have you ever met someone, and knew that this person is going to cheat me, yet went ahead? Have you ever been asked something, and you got the feeling that the person was intending to ask something else? Have you had friends in life, whom you knew beforehand are not true friends? All this was our intuition.

The question is, if we all have intuition then why don’t we follow it, and not let unfavorable or undesirable things to happen to us. The answer is - most of the time we let our intuition to be clouded by several other earthly or materialistic feelings. We start doing deductive thinking or an analysis of probabilities; we get overwhelmed by feelings, which might be due to our desires. This can also be proved by the fact that, we can always gives excellent suggestions to our friends for some situations, though we might fail ourselves, if confronted with similar situation. In the case of our friends, our intuition is not clouded or not modified, as we are thinking objectively then.

Some people have higher ability of intuition than others, for there are several reasons when you ‘intuiting capability’ can go weak or ‘rusty’. Some people have to take decision in life and death scenarios under extreme stress, like in war field or fire-fighting. Most of the time, their decisions are correct even when odds are heavily stacked against. They don’t do any reasoning or deduction, they simply rely on intuition.

If we can hear our intuition, then trust me, no decision of ours would be wrong or regretted. But alas! We are average human beings.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Best scene

“Saving Private Ryan”,first time when I saw this movie it was five years back . In one of the scene, the soldiers including Ryan are saving the bridge in the village of Ramelle. There is fight with the German army to defend the bridge and little before the end of the scene is the hand to hand fight between a German SS soldier and ‘Private Stanley Mellish’.

In the hand to hand fight the German soldier manages to get on top of Mellish, points his knife to Mellish’s chest and starts to stab slowly and says "Gib' auf, du hast keine Chance! Lass' uns ein Ende machen es ist so viel leichter für dich!"(Give up, you don't stand a chance! Let's end this here; it will be easier for you like this!) . Mellish is looking at the soldier while he stabs him to death.

According to me this was the best & most intense scene in the whole movie(Sadism -personified).

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

0300 hours

What am I doing at 3 am this morning?

Temperature is quite high, 8 C, outside it is pitch-dark, the street to downtown looks like a bead of necklace in the outline of streetlights from my window. The forecast is of snowfall today, but for now it is faint drizzle, much like a water spray as seen in the background of the street light.

I don’t know what made me get up at 3 am when I had slept at around 1 am, but even after serious attempt I am not able to sleep again. I am feeling like having a cup of tea but quite lazy to make it, will make it after I write this post. I am listening to the playlist of my favourite songs, few of them are

Simply Red - You make me feel brand new
Wham - Careless Whispers
Josh Groban - You Raise me up
Phil Collins- Against All odds
Marc Anthony - You sang to me
Phil Collins -A Groovy kind of Love
Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss me
Norah Jones - Come away with me

There is one blog which has the picture of day and night across the globe at real time. Now it is day in Asia, Middle East and some parts of East Africa. The parabolic shape of sunlight has its vertex near south pole, which means it has more hours of daylight and the opposite is true for north pole(hence for Finland). In Europe, the Eastern part (Ukraine, Bulgaria…) will be the first to get daybreak followed closely by Italy. I wish to get this picture on my blog as well, but don’t know where to get it from. I wonder where that blog is getting the feed from ?

Nothing has changed much in the newspapers since I last checked them before going to sleep, the stock markets are supposed to behave normally when in they open in couple of hours. So a typical morning, guess I will make tea and finish one of my pending book.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

'Outsourcing' article

I had written a piece on outsourcing which is now online at this link. In this article I have taken pro-outsourcing view, which is my personal view. If you wish you can disagree/agree with me and put your comments.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Peter F Drucker


Peter F Drucker, 95, one of the greatest management guru and considered father of Modern Management died today of natural causes.

Mr Drucker who coined the terms like “Knowledge workers” and “Management by objectives” was highly regarded by persons such as Winston Chruchill( who reviewed his first book"The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism" ), Jack Welch, and Bill Gates. His motivational techniques are famous in corporate world used in companies such as Intel Corp, Sears and Rosebuck & Co. The theory “Management by Objectives” has been successfully used by numerous Japanese companies and he was the first to predict the Industrial success of Japan.

My personal liking for Mr. Drucker is due to the reason he promoted socialism within corporate world when he introduced the concept of ‘decentralization as a principle of organization’ while working for General Motors, and if I can say him as a ‘socio-capitalist’ for his thoughts expressed in his book ‘The Unseen Revolution’

Peter Ferdinand Drucker was born on Nov 19, 1909 in Vienna and did his studies in Hamburg and Frankfurt, Germany, receiving a doctorate in international law in 1931. He despised Hitler and left Germany for London when Hitler came in power. He later left London for New York after he was discouraged by then appeasement of Hitler by British.

He was the Marie Rankin Clarke professor of social sciences and management at Claremont from 1971 to 2003, and he continued to write and consult from the campus until his death. He is survived by his wife and four childrens.

May his soul rest in peace.

Friday, November 11, 2005

One day affair with 'water'

The worst record could not be broken, it has happened to me before, happened today and will happen in future. Not to my surprise of the timing, just when I was planning to take shower and get ready for office, the tap gave that dreaded noise and went dry! The only surprising thing in the whole affair was that it happened in Finland! Well, I waited for one hour but there was no response from the tap, just then the bulb in my brain lit up. There is a Sauna in our apartment, in the basement, and every Finn worth his/her Sauna experience knows that in Finland everything can stop but Sauna (or else you have emergency declared in Finland). I decided to use the bathroom of Sauna, thought it should be working cause a Sauna must be getting its supplies from special center manned by 24/7 executives. But to my luck (=bad luck) the Sauna shower was dry as well.

I am always the last person to leave my apartment for work and today was the only day I cursed myself for it. If I had followed the Finnish culture of going to work at 8 am I would have got the water which I am sure my neighbours squeezed till the last drop. But I saved quite a few suicides in this depressing weather of November. Imagine them going to check the Sauna. There can’t be a deserving reason for a Finn to commit suicide than to find a Sauna go dry! But still, I did a little swearing at my neighbours.

I decided to go to office without shower, putting extra gel in my hair. There is one shower in office which I always thought to be one extravagant arrangement but today I came to know of its importance. No water meant no coffee and no breakfast. Hour later when I was eating the cookie and drinking coffee from office kitchen, I felt like I was in a café in Bologna eating fresh croissants and with a cup of espresso. The office coffee never tasted this good.

A hot discussion with colleague(s) followed and they said the water outage is always a planned affair (and not like one night stands) and notice is always given, usually a day before. Well there was no paper slid under my door nor there was anything new in the apartment notice board, so I am pretty sure there was no notice. Frantic calls were made to my house manager and she in turn called up the city water works and then we learnt that city water works was behind this. The water outage was for the whole area in which I live. She promised us to update the situation and I was thinking, if it is not done today then it being weekend there is no way to see water before Monday. This will be a literal 'dry' weekend. The statistics of one lake for every 5 Finn was refreshed in my mind.

After all this I decided to break for lunch, an hour early than usual cause I had no breakfast. I thought of eating much so went to this place which serves buffet lunch , I was planning to go there for quiet some time (they have the best chicken wings in town). Lunch over; it was time for good news. Our ‘fresh- turned –polite’ house manager informed us that water will be restored by evening. I came home from work in the evening, opened the door and immediately turned on the tap in kitchen, voila! the tap smiled and water was there. I felt the joy as if I got a raise in pay but this turned out to be equally false. The water coming out was not clean but muddy. “May be they are working on it and it will be clear after some time”, I spoke to myself and left the tap open for 10 minutes.

Dinner time but water was still like muddy, I checked the temperature as there was no other way but to buy dinner. While coming back I bought bottles of water, sincerely thanking the K-Pikkolo shops which are open till 2400 hour.

So that’s the situation now, I am rationing my bottled water. Please keep your fingers crossed for me, so that tomorrow, when I wake up, I get clean water in my tap. On weekend there is no way I can enter office and take shower, I will have to check in a hotel. I am seriously considering sending the bills of food and water to Hameenlinna city manager for reimbursement.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My School Days

Yesterday after I wrote the post on weather which included something from my school days, I continue to remember those days. Though I did complete four major stages of education but the only stage of which I have sweet memories is my school days. I really liked the teachers there (barring a few) and I shall try to remember them.

Mr Javed Hassan – He taught us Maths and Physics. In class eigth mid-term exams when I got back my maths answer sheet, there was a remark written with red ink “You are one crazy &stupid guy”. I never told this to anyone, only two persons know about it, me and him. I remember what prompted him to write that. There was one problem which I solved, the last step was” 2/x = 1 “and after that I used something like 20 more steps to find the value of ‘x’. I deserved that remark and I was the prized idiot. He is a brilliant person and I owe him a lot in my life, till date I use the proportionality theorem which he taught in his own way. You ask me the formula to covert Fahrenheit to Celsius – I don’t know but I can find out using the theorem he taught. I owe my marks in Maths and Physics in Class 10th i.e. secondary exams (in India we have secondary exams and higher secondary exams) and any success I might get( have got ?) in life to him.

Mr. George V.C – He taught us English and History, my memories about him starts when he taught us “ The Count of Monte Cristo” in class 6th, from that day I have this wish to visit Marseilles in France. One day in class 8th a guy stood up and asked him “Why should I study History?” The answer which he gave him still motivates me to study more history. Couple of weeks back I read the history of Civil war of Spain.

Sister Nirmla – taught us chemistry for two years in 9th and 10th class. One day she was asking questions and asked me what is Boyle’s law ? Now Javed sir had also taught us Boyle’s law, Charle’s law etc and had explained that why these are true only for ideal gases . I started my answer to sister Nirmla’s question like this “For an ideal gas …………..” She said ‘ok correct’ and then aksed me to take my bag and changed my place to the last row (we had fixed seating arrangements) saying that’s the place for an ideal boy. Till today I don’t have any explanation for that bizarre behavior of her.

Ms Mamta Mishra – She started teaching us Biology from class 9th, before her I used to think biology is a subject which has to be mugged but she showed us how biology is to be understood and not learnt by rote. I still remember “the first leaves of a pea plant are simple leaves and later it develops compound leaves “. I don’t remember though that what are 'simple' leaves and 'compound' leaves ?

Sister Caroline- taught us English literature in class 10th. The literature we studied was “Julius Caesar “. In that there was the dialogue sequence between Brutus and his wife, where she was angry that Brutus does not share his issues with her? She asked whether she is her wife or a ‘Harlot’. After that line Sister asked us all “Do you all know what a Harlot is “?

Ms Alice – a special mention to her. She taught us chemistry in class 6th, the first year of our chemistry paper. ( She was my first crush)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How's the weather ?

Two years back around this time of year I was working from India and in morning around 9am I came to office. As usual first thing I did was to login to all my mails, one European friend messaged me asking what was the temperature at my place that time? I was surprised by this question and I could not reply as I didn’t know the temperature. We don’t have thermometers as visible as it is in Europe. No thermometers in apartments either, but yeah there was one in the lift which I used to come to my office, but I hardly ever looked at the reading there. I used to find it strange, why would someone ask about temperature or weather unless some extreme? I used to read in books that in England people even start their conversation with “ The weather is good today” or “The weather is lousy today” or “ How is the weather today “. Most of the small talks were also about weather as it about baseball in America.

Now everyday I go to office, see my colleagues, exchange greetings and first thing “Oh the weather is this…….” Such a change in myself. Yeah, something which I found to strange earlier ceases to be 'not normal' now. I still don’t know the meteorological’s department website of my city in India but the Finnish Meteorological department’s website is open on my computer 24 hours.

You stay in Finland for one year and you will get to know how important weather is and how much it affects your daily life. The perfect summer evening will make you cheerful as if you just returned from journey to Moon and the month of November will make you feel like even your parents have dumped you.

Let’s talk about the November weather. When I go to work it is dark and when I walk back to my apartment it is dark as well. All hours of day are soggy and grey and if you are not alert you will be sucked into the black hole of depression. You will rarely find anyone cheerful around this time; the depressing weather is really infectious. You will have to find the reason as to why you are feeling so low, down and depressed. It will be a crusade everyday to shake off the duvet in morning and drag yourself to work. God help if you get some bad days around this time of year, it will be suicidal (Yeah, now you know why Finnish suicide rate is one of the highest in world) It will continue till first ‘snow fall’, the harbinger of better times. This time when there was snowfall in the last week of October I was happy that atleast I will be saved the trauma of black November but alas! It was just snow storm and now there is no any snow, only depressing darkness.

While writing this post I suddenly remembered my dislike for thermometers. It so happened that in my junior school days there was a thermometer hung in the wall of the one of the corridor and the end of corridor was Principal’s office.
I used to have the privilege of seeing that thermometer only when I was summoned to Principal office. So seeing the thermometer became synonymous with seeing the father Principal (in white robe with no beads but stick :d) and this has gone in my subconscious.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Well, I knew this book is of not about for what I am fan of John Grisham, but his name was enough for me to try this book. Thin book compared to others of his, took me three hours to read but will take longer to subdue the ruffled memories of past days. The only reason I thought of writing about this book is that it is not one of the regulars from Grisham’s pen(figure of speech, according to him he has an antique word processor on which he writes his books).

I have always maintained that best books and movies are those which makes us think after 'the end' and their stories with which we can connect. This book is about nostalgia, certainly there are several others books which will score high on nostalgia but this book is a bit different. It talks of school days, home-town, the streets where one grows up, and the parks one played and …..

Most part of the book is devoted to school football and larger than the life figure of the coach but it has several undercurrents. What it is to be famous during school days and then fade out? Why do most of us can’t think of going back to our hometown? Why it is so difficult to enter the same school after fifteen years? Why one wants to avoid the same limelight which was coveted once? Why in retrospect one thinks it would have been wise to remain anonymous during school days?

Life is always easy in retrospect.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Christmas time

Today all the shops in Finland were open as they were closed yesterday for All Saint’s day. The shops will now remain open on Sundays till Christmas. Slowly Christmas frenzy will pick up. The best time of the year is the Christmas time.

I witnessed the last Christmas in Finland. What could be better than to be in the country of Santa for the Christmas? It becomes so beautiful weeks before the Christmas, all the shops will have their window decorations exhibited, even the Apteekkis will decorate their shops, electric lights of almost every color would be hanging, shops will leave two candles burning at the entrance, and some where in the downtown preferably in the city center there will be huge decorated Christmas tree. Nothing could match the feeing of ecstasy of walking in the brightly lit street with gentle falling snow, witnessing people doing Christmas shopping. I could walk for hours those evenings and if you feel cold then there are those numerous cafes where you can go and have a cup of hot chocolate. Somewhere there will be a skating rink where you could find people enjoying skating. No one seems to mind the falling snow rather all of them enjoy it. All this makes impossible to spend the evenings indoors and a stroll in the downtown is certain to lift up your spirits.
I have spent so many Christmas in India but it never felt so good, I think what we missed there is snow, the perfect white Christmas as we used to read in text books.

I am happy that Christmas is round the corner, this time I will hit the streets with my camera so that I can save few of those heavenly moments.


This world is not perfect and so to expect a utopia is nothing more than fooling oneself. There are as many vices as there are virtues. We all would have one time or other have to face the reality of this imperfect world. Let’s think of one such thing, ‘Justice’. For a human being to seek and get justice, in my personal opinion, is the most innate. Justice does not come in picture only in context of Jurispendence as it is popularly used. Justice comes in picture in each and every transaction that happens in this society.

I am sure every one of us will agree that injustice hurts like anything, but is there something which is more in magnitude to the pain of injustice? Yes there is, it is, not even getting the right to ask for justice. A person will always yearn for justice, injustice will rankle forever but inability to ask for justice precludes this. To illustrate this let us think of situations shown in two movies “Schindler’s List” and “Hotel Rwanda”. The movies were about the great acts of two souls (both are true and real story) but take another perspective, in these two movies we could get to see details of crime on humanity. Now what I wanted to point is that those helpless people, did they ever get a chance of asking for injustice? If only they could have got the opportunity to ask for justice there could have been some consolation for them for doing their bit. What will be hurting them more,injustice or inability to ask for justtice ? Will those souls ever rest in peace? I doubt.

There is one more situation when one could not ask for justice, it happens when the act of injustice is not acknowledged to have been done. How could justice be done in that case? Human brain is very adept in coming out with explanations, reasoning and interpretation to prove nothing unjust has been done. It's just one destiny which decides you are going to get justice or not.

I really don’t know whether all can get justice in this world but I wish everyone in this world atleast try not to be unjust. It is not hard; wiki defines ‘Justice’ a concept involving the fair, moral, and impartial treatment of all persons —often seen as the continued effort to do what is "right". We should try always to be fair and honest to others, this alone would ensure that there is no grieving soul for justice.
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