My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Work place - nothing weird there !

This is the most opportune time for a 'much needed' light post on my blog. I have not done the tag of ‘weirdo at work’ of Ipanema girl, so going to do it now. I have been evasive on this for chiefly two reasons :-

I am not weird(believe me) at all hence didn’t want people to be disappointed with the post

Since I write using my name, so anything sounding 'real' weird might go against me. Who knows, who all reads or might read my blog. I am sorry if candor is missing, but you all understand.

So here goes the list:-

If I am talking on phone, and typing messages at the same time then I sometimes type what I want to speak, and speak what I wanted to type. Have faced some funny moments due to this.

I totally need something to drink while I am thinking or stuck up at work. It is water, if I am stressed, otherwise coffee/tea.

I don’t like those ‘ultra casual or cool’ events at work place. No, I don’t mean office parties or some celebration(Birthdays); I like them. But I mean , things like, ethnic dress week, or 'rose day' or 'Valentine day' or such. Fortunately, my office(even in India) does not have them. I guess these things started from call centers and now few organizations are embracing them. I 'totally' want a degree of formality and seriousness associated with workplace.

I guess that will be all, could not think of anything more even after 30 minutes. Now all of you who reads this post, may please do the tag. Thank you.


  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    and you had the cheek to ask me "Details" on my post??

    :-) understand your explanations, tho. altho' i don't believe that you don't have weirder habits than those. ;)

    mixing up typing and speaking, must've been funny. :)

  • At 8:15 AM, Blogger XVSA013 said…

    satya - you forget i am here ...

    if you want i can type a whole page of weird things u do/did in office.

  • At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    satya -yeah man we believe you. you are NOT weird.

    mowgli- give us some details dude. Type the whole page here in the comments section...
    heh heh.

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    Good to know another person who expects a certain degree of seriousness at work.I thought I was one of those anal kinds.
    Ever think, that we all have some thing we do or we think we do is weird, but there are so many out there that do it as much as we do.
    And just had to tell you, wont be an English doctor no more.:(..

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Ipanema girl
    and you had the cheek to ask me "Details" on my post??

    That's not at all weird about my work. On a related note, I must say, I don't like the gender appeasement going on in your blog. People should be treated equally, details should be shared equally :P:P:P

    Mixed up does become funny when you are typing messages to boss and talking to friend :D

    Still, I keep this post as open, if I do something weird, I will update :D

    Mowgli - There ain't not more weirdness, unless you dump yours on me. Better do this tag for you.

    Whole page ?? bring it on !!

    Anonymous- Man, You sound familiar. And Mowgli 'dude' ain't got nothing.

    EU - My thoughts exactly. For example - the seriousness thing. Just see how much I explained that and I have got comments as being 'killjoy' or such. But still, I can't work at a place where seriousness is not there.

    I am sure, you would be happy to be in India for the time being. Just keep us posted about your new place and you will be 'rechristened'. Why do I feel that you are sad to leave UK ? but, I can understand. Have to go through the same phase very soon.

  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger educatedunemployed said…

    I am terribly serious about my work too.Ive been called totally anal and been asked to chill.I do, but not when I am working.I understand Mr Kill Joy.
    UK has been home for 3 years,wont any body be a little sad to leave their home?
    Apparently the blogspot ban has been reverted so will definitely be posting.I already have a million things to blog about.:)

  • At 6:48 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    and your name is greenbean:)
    thats one more point to the list!

  • At 6:55 PM, Blogger Sharda said…

    A very formal blog with "thanks" and all that.
    My weirdest problem is some times I am looking for some thing on my desk,although it's right there ,but I am unable to find it.At last I have to call some one and ask for a favor that ,look this thing is some where here can you please show me.

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    lol @ sharda's comment.

    &, greensatya, (greenbean???? lol!)
    >On a related note, I must say, I don't like the gender appeasement going on in your blog.

    ok baba, here are the details, we sat around in a circle, knitted, then went to the next bar, exchanged recipes, then went on to the next place, exchanged shopping tips..and such.


  • At 9:14 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    EU - Yeah, anyone would be sad after three years. I can totally understand. I might be leaving Finland after two years, this fall, and I am already feeling sad. But this is life.
    Lifting of blogspot ban is a good news. Atleast sanity prevailed.

    Koi- Greenbean at work place, lol :D Thankfully, not anyone at my work knows about the existence of this blog.

    Sharda - Lol, not formal at all. Asking people to find things from your own desk ? Now, that is interesting weirdness. :) Be careful, don't know what things they will find out. :P

    Ipanema girl - Aha, you did all that. Damn interesting bachelorette party it was. By the way, was it a bar or a temple ? hehe. Okay, I understand that you can't tell :d

  • At 6:45 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    Hmm...none of that was too weird.

    I guess you save all the weirdness for your personal life :P (RFID n all)

    I'm not too weird except that I do not like people touching my stuff. Never!

  • At 1:35 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Raj- Yeah, none too weird. I think I am most perfect at the work place.

    People should anyway not touch things of others. So that is understandable.

  • At 7:27 PM, Blogger Abhinav said…

    he he nice post .. i have lots of things to write (i hope) ...
    looking forward to hear frm Mowgli too .. he he

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger P said…

    Nice post!
    Not being "weird"at work is overrated by the way! :-)

  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Abhinav - Yeah man, I am waiting for you to do the tag.

    Perspective Inc - Nice nick and thanks. Didn't get what way it is overrated ?


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