My Journey

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest -(Napoleon)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mumbai terrorist attack

Mumbai (Bombay) has been struck by terror again. This time it was the evening crowd on the commuter trains. Infact, it is fast becoming a routine in India, for one of its cities to face brutal attack. With ever heinous act, the next one becomes more sophisticated, deadly and comes at quicker interval. October, 2005 it was New Delhi; March brought gory attacks to Varanasi and now it is Mumbai.

The dastardly attack of Mumbai is being covered by the media across the world. It is heart wrecking to see such pitiable sights. Bodies being carried in make shift stretchers, personal items strewn around, and poodles of blood. Also seen are, what remained of train carriages, mangled heaps of metals and destroyed train stations.

It is surprising that no ambulances, no rescue workers, no police presence were shown on television even two hours after the incident. It was fellow citizens, who had taken the task of relief and rescue. Few police constables are shown, loitering and shooing away the onlookers. Wonder where is the government relief and rescue machinery? Or perhaps the death of couple of hundred people doesn’t matter much in a city of 17 million.

The media was no surprise either. One Indian television network(IBN) was too happy, to say it again and again that they were the first to cover the incident, as they had one of their reporters traveling on one of the ill-fated trains. They seemed to lose no opportunity of earning few brownie points over the other news media. Reuters seized the opportunity by suspecting the “militants fighting the rule of New Delhi in disputed Kashmir” to be involved in the blast. It went on to further mention, “Kashmir has been split between India and Pakistan since shortly after the two countries gained independence from Britain in 1947, but both claim it in full”. NBC reports that atleast two Americans are injured in the attack and alluded to possible Al Qaeda link. They mention information from Indian intelligence for this.

As to be not left behind the trend, the Indian media tomorrow, will first of all name this attack as '11/7' or '7/11'. There will be few reports about ‘spirit of Mumbai’ and the ‘indomitable courage of the people’ living there. Does not matter, if it was the ‘spirit’ or the ‘compulsion of life’ for the average people of Mumbai to take the same commuter trains and head to their place of work the very next morning.

May God give strength to all those who lost their loved ones in this cowardly act and all departed souls rest in peace.


  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger pradman said…

    Totally agree with you about the way the media commercializes such events. This is the reason why I refrained from writing anything about this event on my blog.

    In fact other than reporting facts about the event, the media should work in its own way to channel relief efforts for the affected people.

    But I have to differ from you about the "spirit of people" news articles. I believe this is the need of the hour to pull people out of depression.

    After all...

    "Hope the quitessential human delusion. Simmultaneously, your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
    -- The Architiect, "Matrix Reloaded"

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Scipio - It was shocking yesterday to see the media coverage. Every network had its own hidden agenda, be it Indian or foreign. IBN was even trying to cash in the tragedy.

    I wrote this post at the heat of the moment. Being in FInland for two years, I have seen the swiftness of emergency services. I am in no way comparing with India but still it feels sad to see how Indian system reacts to any tragedy of this scale.

    The 'spirit' thing was my rant against the 'templatized' coverage these day of any terrorist act. I just wish the media would be more humane. Just like you said about it.

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Raj said…

    //the Indian media tomorrow, will first of all name this attack as '11/7' or '7/11'.

    Never underestimate Indian media. IBN named it 7/11 yesterday evening itself, barely two hours about the blasts.

    And I totally agree with the "Spirit of the city" thing. Its one thing to use that the next day or two days later but not 2 hrs after the incident. And I think people are getting used to all the blasts cos they've become rather common so its not all about the "Spirit" anymore.

  • At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The media is getting more and more irresponsible day by day, trying to outdo each other instead of practically doing something!

    This sickening tendency of journalism of cashing in on any situation is getting to me!

    And that thing abt spirit is quite true. Every city and its inhabitants are forced to cope with the situ for bare survival.

  • At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice writeup. The media does go overboard at times though certain events should be an exception. The commuters must be commended for taking the trains the very next day.

  • At 9:47 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous - True, no one is ever brought to justice for these hideous and diabolic acts. I can also understand your anger.

    Raj - Oh they did ! I saw the coverage of IBN on the CNN network. Atleast they should have named it '11/7', cause that's how we write in India. But then writing 7/11 makes it closer to 9/11, hence more sensational.

    Yeah the spirit thing is more about commonality of these attacks.

    Twilight Fairy - Yeah, Indian media is degrading with every passing day. May be the tough competition is causing this.

    And I saw on NBC just now, a school kid was saying. " we are scared, but we have to go to schoo". So the 'spirit' thing is, as you said, bare survival.

    Hiren - Thanks. The media clearly went overboard. Yeah common people have no other option than to take the same train, very next day. God bless them.

  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said…

    That bit about the spirit versus compulsion of life. so well put.

    I used to be a huge fan of rajdeep sardesai when I was in India. After hearing about his crass agenda and self-promotion while covering the blasts, I've lost all respect for him.

    the whole thing makes me so sad. :(

  • At 8:08 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Ipanema girl - The media and our own PM didn't stop to mention this 'spirit' thing ad-nauseum. It is rather apathetic that all those who were dead are forgotten so quickly.

    I have not seen Rajdeep's new channel but he indeed covered the blast in a shameless manner.

    The bomb blast was worse and the way the Indian govt reacted was worst. A vapid speech from a wimp PM. Period.

  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very interestingly, those Sena activists who burnt public property over the insult of some non-entity wife of their leader have their mouths shut now.

    This is the time the Opposition and all the parties together should start re-introducing POTA.

    No factor is paramount to national security.

    Here is where I miss statesmen like Patel and leaders like Indira Gandhi -whatever her shortcomings, she was an iron woman who screwed the Punjabi terrorists and curbed their face of militancy.

    But I guess our netas know they will be met out the same treatment if they go strong on terrorism.

    The safer way out is to pay a couple of lakhs and job promises to those affected, issue silly statements to the media and run for cover when anything threatening comes across.

    I am ashamed to be a helpless observer to all this.

  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very interestingly, those Sena activists who burnt public property over the insult of some non-entity wife of their leader have their mouths shut now.

    This is the time the Opposition and all the parties together should start re-introducing POTA.

    No factor is paramount to national security.

    Here is where I miss statesmen like Patel and leaders like Indira Gandhi -whatever her shortcomings, she was an iron woman who screwed the Punjabi terrorists and curbed their face of militancy.

    But I guess our netas know they will be met out the same treatment if they go strong on terrorism.

    The safer way out is to pay a couple of lakhs and job promises to those affected, issue silly statements to the media and run for cover when anything threatening comes across.

    I am ashamed to be a helpless observer to all this.

  • At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Hi, I am editing the two comments from two anonymous people.

    Dissent is perfectly okay as long as personal attacks and name calling is not done.

    Edited comment follows

    Anonymous (posted at 4.36pm)-

    hey "ashamed-helpless-observer"

    You seem to be a [edited] i think u r refering to the Op Blue Star ...

    Indira Gandhi didnt have anything to do with curbing terrorism in Punjab ... if anything she helped it to grow ... it started with her ... it ended much much later ...

    read papers ... [Edited]

    Anonymous (posted at 5.26pm)

    Comment moderation please. Because [Edited] are everywhere.

  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger pradman said…

    Heh... Heh... here is a consolation that I can have for my blog not being popular...

    Seriously though, I just can't stand these anonymouses... Here is a piece-o- advice to them people...

    If you can't own up to what you wanna say, then don't say it. Just shut up.

    Such screwballs :D
    Err... will the above statement be "[edited]" :P

  • At 12:05 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    It was really kind of you to write about it your blog.This incident was very disgraceful, and cowardly. My sympathy to all those people who lost their loved ones, in this accident.

    We were lucky enough that as soon as my brother got down the train, the train just behind that was exploded. And surprisingly all the bombs exploded only in the First class compartments of local trains. There local trains are the life support for the people of Mumbai. I am surprised how government can ignore the security of Mumbai local train system so badly. Since in recent day Mumbai has become so vulnerable to such kinds of attacks, Indian government should take special care of local train system there. I have traveled in Mumbai’s local trains so many times and I am amazed by the fact of the ignorance of this reality, that the security system is a complete failure there.

  • At 12:08 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    Yes Satya ,you did the right thing by editing the posts of "anonymous".I completely agree with "Scipio" ,that if some one cant own up to what they want to say they should just shut up.
    I just delete all the anonumous posts from my blogs.

  • At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sharda, anonymity is one of the reasons why Internet is so popular, don't you think? People have a right to anonymity.

  • At 3:52 AM, Blogger Sharda said…

    Anonymous,I totally agree with you.But don't you think that your voice could be more impresive and plausible,especially if you have different opinion from everyone else.No offence but is a littleout of line for me!

  • At 8:48 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous (11.49am) - About that statue desecration incident. I was surprised that someone got a statue of someone's wife in a public place. Why was it even allowed in the first place? There are few anti-social entities in India(Shiv Sena), who just need represent a gang of thugs united, and serving their own interest.

    And I do share your anguish over the impotency of Indian government, displayed after every terrorist incident.

    I read the speech of our PM when he addressed the nation, and what a speech it was ? The least, it could be described as 'whining' by a toddler. When our government, guarded by no flying zone above their head, elite security commandos surrounding them and cavalcade of cars when they travel, if even then they can't make a proper speech, what can they do to defend their citizens.

    I know I am highly opionated, but this topic is close to my heart.

    Anonymous (4.36 pm) Thanks for your comments, but I am afraid, I don't have much to say about Punjab.

    Anonymous (5.26pm) - I have edited the comments now.

    Scipio - Though my blog is not that popular; sometimes incidents like terrorist attacks on innocent people do flame passions.

    But this in no way, provide excuse for personal attacks and name calling.

    If someone makes comments as anonymous, the least they could do is to maintain some decency.

    (lol, I am leaving your comments un[Edited] :P)

    Sharda - Thanks and it is heartening to know that your brother is safe. It was indeed close.

    I have travelled in the local trains of Mumbai and anyone who has, knows that how vulnerable are they. But, we have the governance system in India, where lives or ordinary people does not matter.

    About the anonymous comments; things get bad when they start getting personal. They should avoid that.

    Anonymised - I concur that everyone has right to anonymity and Internet is popular due to that. But I am sure, even you would agree with the fact that 'garb of anonymity' can not be used for being uncharitable. I have no issues with anonymous comments, unless they don't resort of personal attacks. In such cases, even 'named' comments are unwelcome.

    Sharda - You have a point, but I leave upon the commenters to decided if they want to be anonymous or named. Actually, I don't get much anonymous comments and haven't faced any problems as such till now. (did I jinx it now?) :d

  • At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger sereneannabelle said…

    errrr... 7/11? are they trying to be funny? are they going to bomb the convenience stores soon?

    i'm kidding.

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Y said…

    Satya , annon situation handled nicely. Over and out.

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Y said…

    And I have a new word for F*&@, S(%#q etc======= [Edited].

    I liked this thing so much. Ek dum cool!

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    the sad part is the way we react...

    first check that our loved ones are safe... (sigh of relief)
    and then...slowly forget about it...

    its so very sad.

  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger Koi Pahailee said…

    Anonymous (4.36 pm)
    Anonymous (5.26pm)


  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Serendipity - Naah, I won't let anyone do anything to 7-11's. I totally love those convenience stores. Sadly, there is none of them in Finland and I guess not even in India. They are in Stockholm though.

    Sher - Thanks man. Seems the [Edited] format turned out to be quite cool!

    Koi - Yeah, that is sad. But what can ordinary Indians do ? They are too 'ordinary' to influence our government. People are born in Africa, Asia or Europe for a reason. Don't you think ?

    And the 'time stamp' was the only way to refer to the different anonymous(es). hehe :P

  • At 1:35 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Xohra - Thanks for your sympathy towards the people of Mumbai.

    I share your concern over the Israel Lebanon conflict. We can discuss it, but before that would you mind telling me why did Israel started to hit Lebanese territory ?

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Xohra - What actually happened was that terrorist came inside the border of Israel, killed three soliders and abducted two of them. What was Israel expected to do after this ? What will your country do if this happens to it ?

  • At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Hi, I am editing the two comments from two anonymous people."

    Greenie- It is not two anonymous people. It is the same person..just look at the time

    The master slipped? Hehheh

  • At 2:56 AM, Blogger greensatya said…

    Anonymous - Well there is time difference of 50 minutes. Even then it is hard to say , if the two anonymous are same or different. Even you may be one of them !


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